
Ice-cold beer is mainly a necessity in the US where disgustingly tasteless swill like Budweiser, Miller Lite, etc. are still ubiquitous...and it’s mainly found in those mainstream bars and restaurants that don’t carry more decent-tasting craft beers. In Europe, where they know how to make beer that actually tastes

Two books that explore this fascinating topic which I’d highly recommend: “Sex at Dawn” and “Mating In Captivity.”

Punches to the face are much more safely done with the heel of the palm, zero risk of breaking anything and you get the same or greater impact. But if you are up close then the elbows and knees are still the best weapons, much harder to block, harder to miss, and devastating upon impact due to the much greater mass

As a runner I’ve had to do this a number of times, and it never failed except once—-with a giant Rottweiler who just stopped and continued barking at me and baring his teeth, but at least he didn’t try to get closer. All the other dogs actually turned tail and fled. Problem with pepper spray is unpredictable wind

Damn, she has the most punch-able face ever! Even more than that Pharma Bro guy, Martin Shkreli.

I just use a Neti-Pot with some warm water, and use my index finger knuckles to massage around my eyes and nose. Works a good 90% of the time.

First fell in love with Fiona Apple when I saw her “Across the Universe” video from the “Pleasantville” soundtrack. Amazing voice, and such a unique, ethereal beauty.

“English doesn’t really have a conditional mood,”
A lot of ESL grammar texts would disagree with you there. “Conditional” tense just means an “If...” statement. And I was wrong, the example I gave was actually 2nd not 3rd conditional.

Are you sure about that? I was taught that “If I were rich I’d own a boat” = 3rd conditional whereas “Were I rich, I’d own a boat” = subjunctive.

why bother “hiding?” In the event of a nuclear attack if the impact doesn’t kill you the fallout will, only it will be a lot slower and more horrible. Best thing to do is keep a loaded handgun around and do a mercy-suicide.

Dumbbells are much safer to use with the bench press than barbells, especially if you are a beginner and/or don’t have a spotter. They also fix L/R strength imbalances which barbells only exacerbate, give you a much fuller range of motion, and produce a more natural movement that is safer for the shoulders (rotator

I agree, LifeHacker needs to do a piece on all the much better alternatives to using tissue paper post pooping. Those little $30 bidet attachments off Amazon are great, but there are non-mechanized ways of using water to clean much more thoroughly and faster and without killing trees to boot. Using TP for ass

“We could not imagine that any civilized human being could possibly believe he owned another human being.” —- unfortunately, slavery far predates the US/European version and was common all over the world, including Africa and Asia. It still exists today, just in less overt ways, although there are exceptions (ask any

Respectfully disagree...I’d let Salma Hayek put her feet on my armrests any day. :D

If you ever have a chance to study Escrima, it’s one of the most fun yet pragmatic martial arts—-most of it is weapons based, and what you learn to do with bamboo sticks is easily applied to edged weapons as well as improvised weapons (rolled up newspaper, umbrella, etc.). Not like the ivory-tower crap like double

yep, drinking water upside down, from the far side of the glass, works for me every time pretty much instantly.

Meh, the photo indicates that this Wonder Woman shaves her armpits. Sigh.

I’ve been using a standing desk for a couple of years now. Yes there are times when I’ll go back to sitting (using a Swedish ball chair) but that’s more for leisurely activities...for any kind of less-than-fascinating work that requires willful and sustained concentration, standing still beats all for me. I stand

Hmmm, all those tubes look to be used by troglodytes who squeeze in the middle instead of rolling it up and squeezing from the bottom up, like a civilized person would do.

Polarized for when sharpness is essential—-I use them for driving and cycling in bright light, clear or yellow for nighttime or dark overcast days. For running, any color is ok but I do like brown/amber whether polarized or not. TIP: lots of high quality Oakley knockoffs on Amazon these days...I own some Oakleys and