
Puzzled that no Canon printers made the list. They've been by far the most reliable in my experience, and you can always find good generic versions of their ink cartridges for a pittance on eBay. HP is the absolute worst, its software is totally bloaty and system resource hogs. Am currently using a Canon D420

The only question is: does this "new" Google Maps version load any less molasses-like than the previous "new" version? I've stayed with the original G.M. simply because I hated waiting for the darn thing to load esp. in response to dragging to new map areas.

You left out what is IMO one of the safest and best bang-for-your-buck things to buy used: furniture! (Excluding stuff that can have sanitary issues, such as mattresses and plush cushioned sofas/armchairs.) But if you live anywhere near a major university, at the end of the academic year you can usually get tons of

well, I don't throw around the T-word so casually. Either way, for many black dudes (and unfortunately, many men of color generally—-I blame the media for this) getting some play from a white girl, especially a blond-looking one, is like a rare and special treat fallen down from heaven. So you're spreading a little

More power to you, KaylieBee...I disagree with making huge generalizations of an entire "race" of men based on a sample size of ONE bad experience, but hey—-at least you're making a bunch of brothers happy. They fetishize your blonde (bottle?) hair and white skin and you're as big an ego-boost and notch in their

It really depends.

For mundane everyday household items, such as soap, detergent, toilet paper, etc. Amazon is usually MORE expensive than Walmart/Sam's and some local supermarkets (Market Basket is an amazing regional chain we have in the NE), and sometimes Walmart is about the same or even a little more expensive

The first 2 or 3 books are great, then they start to drag because it's obvious the author is trying to just fill up pages in order to satisfy some kind of book contract: he brings in all sorts of extra side stories and minor characters so that there are huge spaces before the story shifts back to the main characters

I'm so glad I just went and read all of the GoT books after Season 3 ended. Don't worry, no spoilers from me. Will continue watching just out of curiosity at how faithful or not the TV series will be to the books.

Surely your VN co-worker didn't mean sprinkle the ENTIRE packet on the noodles, did he? I never use more than 1/5th of the packet, tops—-it's already pretty strong with just that little, so I can imagine that anyone using the entire packet would get slaughtered by all the salt and MSG!

general rule of thumb for all fruit and veggies: the darker/redder the color, the more antioxidants it contains. Which is too bad because my faves are Fuji, Granny Smith, and other less-than-dark apples as well.

It makes sense: the redder/darker the fruit or vegetable, the higher the anti-oxidant content. However, I agree with other posters that "Red Delicious" apples are not very delicious at all...but they'd be fine thrown into a blended smoothie, which is what I'll start doing from now on.

seriously? Somebody needs to call CPS on those damned parents then!

There is nothing I can disagree about in this article, but nothing new to learn either: bulk is usually a better deal in most things. And much easier to figure out these days now that most supermarkets post a per-unit price near their retail price. But you should still whip out the pocket calculator (thank god for

Large is probably the safest bet of having a still-reasonable toppings-per-square-inch ratio, and extra-large is where they are more likely to stretch the same amount of toppings over a larger pizza crust surface. Otherwise known as the onset of diminishing returns, such that a large = a Honda Accord.

Ick, that's a total dealbreaker. Thanks for just saved me a good bit of trouble finding out for myself.

"healthy saccharine" — isn't that an oxymoron?

I would recommend working on 3 things: 1. Biomechanical efficiency, a.k.a. "form," (search Youtube for "Newton run right" video, Amazon for "Chi Running" and "Evolution Running"), 2. Strengthening the muscles and tendons in the feet through part-time barefoot running (google Barefoot Running), which also improves #1,

This is by far the most spot-on article about audio gear I've ever seen on Lifehacker...I've been very critical of LH audio articles because usually they are nothing more than consensus-collecting pieces rather than something written by anyone who has any actual discernible knowledge about audio.

The headphones

meh, just ditch the eyeliner. Most women look better without makeup anyhow.

"Skinny fat" = being thin mainy due to starving oneself not to exercise, resulting in zero muscle tone and high bodyfat composition albeit in a slim package.