
Telling someone to “learn to live with” abuse is not okay. It does equate to “shut up”. Worse, it equates to “shut up I don’t respect your identity enough to care when you suffer personal abuse”.

I’m a white Christian male and I don’t know what you’re talking about because the tiny bit of anti-me stuff I put up with on here is as nothing compared to what people of colour and women put up with daily. If you can’t take the teensy-tiny sliver of hate that affects our privileged lives then maybe it’s time to

So was it racist or full of MISANDRY?! Inquiring minds want to know!

2) The people who argue that they should not be exposed to anything objectionable and that they need a “safe space”. Online forums are a lot like the real world. You might encounter some pretty disgusting things out there that upset you. That is just life. Learn to live with it.

I realize the definition may have shifted in the past few years, but trolls are still just grown children who say shit online for the same reason one kid knocks over another kids tower of blocks; they want to feel strong by getting a reaction. They don’t believe in the bullshit they’re saying.