
Look at the size of his head. Look at the size of Clay Mathews’ head. Look at the size of Barry Bonds’ head when he was using and look at it now. That is all the evidence you need: Head don’t lie!

Fuck you, shit-stain.

Now you know why TRUMP is so popular. The truth — even when difficult to hear and put forward coarsely — is a welcome change from the lies and P-C crap politicians usually spew

Is the NFL secretly owned and run by the US government, because this level of incompetence for a multi-billion dollar enterprise is hard to fathom otherwise.

LOL the least you can do is die quietly after being eviscerated.

LOL you missed the point because you were looking too closely.

Same goes for billionaires that can’t buy a politician — see attacks on TRUMP by all sides because he says he can’t be bought (and huge donations to Hillary’s “charity” because they know she can).

His neck is longer than Spud Webb.

TRUMP also knows how to spell “strategy,” you imbecile.

Only a Liberal in the tank for the corrupt and incompetent Hillary would call the arguably the best player to ever play the most complicated position in the sport a moron.

Perhaps the US government should also end relationship with those “royals,” but last I checked some of those named have given huge amounts of money to Bill Clinton for speeches and to Hillary’s “charity.”

Attention athletes: put 1/3 aside for taxes, 1/3 aside for the future, live on that last 1/3 and wear a condom and you will avoid the problems of 80% of your brethren.

TRUMP never went personally bankrupt.

Already done earlier. Hang your head in shame.

Even she appears to not know how old she is.

Dallas Cowboys calling on Line 1.

Japan is in a demographic death spiral with a replacement birth-rate near half of what it should be.

EVERY penalty should be reviewable and a referee that gets a certain percentage incorrect or a certain type of penalty consistently incorrect should be fired.

Yes, a bigger issue is the incompetence and unprofessionalism of NBA refs. I am not saying others are on the take, but they certainly allow themselves to be influenced too greatly by slights so thinking they can be influenced by money or blackmail does not seem too outlandish.

The central element of the story is that Jenkins took TWO pairs leaving none for Moore. Moore confronted him and the rest is history as the Giants keep the thief and cut the player that stood up for himself.