
Women relate to their friends differently than men. A perceived slight that a man would not give a second thought to, a woman will dwell upon for weeks.

As long as they DO NOT LOWER the existing standards it should not be an issue.

Then put money behind your words and hope no one reads your post before doing the same and moving the line. Put up or shut up.

You defeat TRUMP by actually dealing with the problems he has identified: an undefended southern border contributing to ILLEGAL immigration and Islamic terrorism permitted to spread because of a fear of offending the group to which the perpetrators belong.

TRUMP’s campaign is very similar to Toronto’s Rob Ford successful run for Mayor.


Sounds like you are profiling.

And fans of running were confronted in Boston by two Islamic refugee claimants that blew them up and killed them at the Finish Line.

Thought police like to keep busy (but not so busy that they would visit a local Mosque that preaches the same and far worse).

You seem like the Cry-bully type.

Republicans against Liberals?

Only if you are not Muslim. If you are Muslim you can say gays should be murdered and throw off buildings (as they are in Muslim countries) and the System will not dare to touch you for fear of being called Islamophobic.

Looks like free speech and thought have been knocked out.

He is being outplayed by two other backs in the SAME offence and in the same games. It’s a YOU problem DM.

This kid and his “clock” was used by his activist father to further a scam.

Since it involved people from Buffalo, the phrase “Bumping Uglies” certainly applies.

Sir, you win the internet today.

How about instead of pushing the US to war with Russia over the desire to get rid of Assad and build a natural gas pipeline to Europe to enrich his cronies, Obama actually focus on wiping out ISIS and support Russia and Syria in those efforts.

About as many as if the security guard beating up the Houston fan at the AAC title game was white rather than black.

Stop your cry-bullying.