
Uhm, yeah? Isn’t that WHY we love Andy Richter, because that apple pie exterior covers a razor blade and nails interior?

I agree, Khloe does look amazing in the photo on the left. I wish they had published them like that. I don’t know why she needs ‘credit’ for working out. And, the published photos do look retouched. That is not about her looks, at all, though, that is about the jerk off dreams that these images are meant to be — and

We need that type of reality.

Complex 15 Daily Face Cream. The best, very light and less than $20.00.

And probably something about music since Rebus talks about it all the time. He taught me about Iron Bru.

You are one smart cookie, randilyn. You can come to my house for dinner anytime. I’ll even have an assortment of milks to choose from.

Brooke is experimenting with blank verse at this time and scorns the need for rhyme. Get it together, Emma Golddigger! You’ll note that here she even occasionally flirts with some free verse.

It’s so surprising that we both eat (basically) the same meal! The vastness of the universe offers strange coincidences.

Would you consider it more, or less, curvy than homogenized? What about cream? Straighten me out on this.

Of course we need to know, otherwise we will continue to feel guilt about our own food combinations. Ease our pain by posting your pics. We can’t all be the same type of domestic goddesses...

You only say that because I have resisted posting pics of my meals. Cornflakes with raisins and 2% milk is hella sexy.

When I do this, it’s not the posing that is hard. It is the Photoshop that is most onerous, what with removing the wall I’m leaning against and inserting the background.

Peter Cetera’s hair is not nice. Delonte may be lying about not remembering shooting people, he is DEFINITELY lying about being a peacemaker. Unless he doesn’t understand how one would make peace?

It seems unlikely that the hate on his FB account has not made it into his classroom. He is only one person. If he was hiding these beliefs from students in class that does not mean it was not influencing the way he thought about them or how he marked their work. How likely is it that he was able to overcome such

Nikki is definitely not smizing in that picture. Her eyes are saying things I hope aren’t targeted at me.

Wow, this is pretty weak, especially since it took them so long to come up with it. But, I can’t judge. I’m the person who thinks of the right come back days after it’s needed.

You just know that someone is trying to instrumentalize this disease to ‘cure’ obesity.

Is it time for a completely unretouched/'shopped issue of one of these magazines? Clearly, there is a public hunger for these images. Still, the models that appear will be styled and have make up and have their hair done. Why can't they meet me half way? If we can't have it all the time, can we have it as a special

At about 37 seconds in, the cat momentarily loses his cool and taps his foot to the beat. He collects himself quickly, stops, squints and resumes the cool nonchalance necessary to show he is cool.

She would have her butler, or one of the Palace Guards, pull it. She is very well attended.