
Our friendship is over, Jez. Rebecca I can't even speak to you right now. I did not know that that Chinese Food song existed before your listicle. I had never heard it, or even of it. Everything is different now. Thanks.

I don't understand why Monae doesn't get more (read constant) mainstream media coverage. She is talented and original. She always looks fabulous (so good for graphics), has her own look/style. Her music is great, she's collaborated or worked with well-known singers. I just don't get it. I hope 2014 brings me more Ms.

Until it is cancelled and replaced with hospital-style vending machines.

I like these wedges, they are cute. That being said, many of their plastic shoes in 'traditional' styles (i.e. maryjanes) are easy to pick out as Crocs. As long as the entire shoe is plastic, regardless of styling, I am going to suspect I am looking at a Croc. But, hey, don't get me wrong, I'm no hater. I say wear

Yes. What she says is true and it is unfortunate she had to feel badly over the need of some media outlet to find fault in her body/appearance. On the other hand, during her career she has chosen to act in shows that portray women's looks as important to their happiness and somehow a measure of what they deserve. She

Where did this gif come from? Is there more of it? Does he ever put the book down? Is it really Erik? How very dare you post this without more information. I demand some sort of explanation, clarification, expansion. If anyone asks, I am willing to read aloud to him while he lies supine. Any book he wants, as many

Yesterday I saw this posting on the main page and passed it by without a click to read the whole thing. The picture on the front page was the second one on this article (in colour). Today I saw this posting and was intrigued enough to click. The picture on the front page was the first one on this article (in black and

I agree with you, the 'having it all' discussion is underwritten by the assumption that all women want children, without which they can never 'have it all'. But, what is not discussed is what 'all' is made up of. It intrinsically puts childless women outside the discussion.

I love love love San Benedetto carbonated spring water. I drink a 1.5 liter bottle almost every day. The bubbles are coarse and it is perfect. Sometimes I put a bottle in the freezer and take it out at the point it is beginning to slush up —- heaven on a hot day.

The only thing I have sympathy for is her lack of self-acceptance. I don't know her or her circumstances beyond the fact that she is a socialite and is rumoured to have wanted to look like a cat and tried to achieve this through a number of cosmetic procedures. She has the option of seeking help if she thinks she

I think it is the number of procedures that produces that ewww factor we are all aware of. But, think of the articles in magazines that bring in a 'specialist' to discuss whether or not some celebrity has had a procedure done. It seems as though we could consider those procedures successful since they are so gradual

I am so glad you brought that up. I literally spend much of every scene where they use the front door trying to confirm that there is an exclamation mark there. It is distracting. Why didn't they do something about it? Do other people see it? Thank you for being a friend and bringing it up.

I don't understand why this is being pegged as at-home loungewear. This could be used out of doors, no need to relegate it to the home only. I mean, if you are confident enough to wear a Speedo out of doors, this is much more soignée... Imagine greeting guests into your home in these, taking part in a family riparian

The pack of black dogs with the green balloons were sooo sweet and playful. The one that took his balloon in his mouth and started running as if he had just did an amazing thing was especially touching.

This really begins to show the stresses that are at work in the diet discourse. The trick is to not put this information all in one place. Try each suggestion as a standalone. Fail each one separately and continue to blame yourself. Society will.

Bellah, please provide a direct link. This is pretty much like saying 'the internet'. The place is big, give me a street address.

You seem to be under the misapprehension that doctors are unaffected by the hegemonic discourse that the rest of society is regulated by. Medical advice is open to critique. The current state of medical knowledge is only that — the CURRENT state. Science used to think that humans were preformed in sperm - imagine

I agree that speaking to your loved ones about their health is a caring thing to do. In the example you give, however, people are suddenly gaining or losing weight. That is a completely different thing than talking to someone about their weight when that someone's weight has been stable the entire time you have known

Hey, Nick, sorry to break it to you, but there is research that questions whether diabetes causes fatness as a precursor to the onset of diabetes as opposed to obesity causing the diabetes.

Can you tell me where this mythical place is where fat people are being congratulated on their being fat? Are the fat people riding unicorns as they pick up pots of gold at the end of rainbows?