
I think it’s another instance of production issues over realistic plotline. The twins are 6 at the wedding, so it’s about 2026. The 3 Pearson girls would now need to be played by actresses 5 years older than we last saw them circa 2021, which would mean a new cast for just some background visibility. I think we’re

I kept looking for Kevin and Madison’s kids and then remembered, oh yeah, they’ve inexplicably turned into brunettes. 

I see it that Jack likely associates that green egg with his dad more than he does the other things (which would stay in his life after Toby leaves and become part of new memories.) He’s out with Toby and the egg when things start to go sideways, and he chooses to calm himself with a familiar routine (boots, cane,

I think the question was why Rebecca picked Kevin to help with the forms over Randall, etc., not why she needed help at all. It does seem that Randall is her usual “go to” for things like that, so I noticed it as well. I saw it two ways - she recognized that Randall would have a stronger reaction to her admitting she

Randall also said something about not having a “national” reputation yet. I definitely took it to be a US Senator. There are 50 Pennsylvania State Senators, so as you said, referring to one as “the senior” would be strange.

I remember those colored levels! I moved to a new school in seecond grade and the new teacher was confused by how far I’d progressed at the old school so just sent me to the libary to read what I wanted.

I watched the episode after this and completely agree that it looks... weird. It’s also too quiet. Where’s the bustle and background noise? I noticed that in a scene in the police station, and while people did eventually appear in the background, it didn’t look or sound like any of the characters were in an actual

I’m not sure we exactly needed Maggie’s story, but I did like that puppets kept popping up in hers.

It could be fun if it’s another mystery related to Fred Savage so we get some closure there, too. Maybe someone gets killed at a cast party, and the costumer is also a culprit, and the murder of his wife becomes a backstory/motive much like the infamous St. Patty’s Day party.

Would the ninjas have stopped shooting once they saw it was Amber not Eli? Unless maybe they don’t know she hired them. 

wisps of blond hair sticking out of the last ninja’s helmet that seemed to point to the wrestling guy the camera zoomed in on when they were advertising Eli’s room number during the service

Bad guys can’t have Apple devices?

Also, the reveal that Martin was involved in the hiding of Glendon’s body suggests that—as I mused previously—Eli’s manscaping story is an elaborate lie and perhaps Eli and Junior did in fact off Thaniel block: the M.O. is the same.

So, in this tiny, remote cabin, Dexter and Harrison weren’t going to hear him pull up in a fuel truck and direct a high-pressure stream of it onto the front porch?

Where else would Kurt take someone he plans to harm other than the place where he goes to harm people, a cabin Dexter has been to multiple times?

Another super-dumb moment was having Elric repeatedly pause, stall, lower his rifle, etc., until Dexter was conveniently far enough away to miss. Yes, apparently he was supposed to bring Dexter back alive, but he could have accomplished that by shooting him in the leg when he first had him in his sights, no? 

I agree that Clark’s immediate animosity towards Tyler seemed too much, even if you buy that the boy reminded him of his frenemy Arthur. (Even though Tyler was silent and distant, playing his computer games with his headphones on, not engaging with Clark at all.) To me, the episode felt rushed. I liked the parallel

I don’t think that character is in the novel, anyway. But I agree that he wants them to come to the airport/museum and while his motivation is unclear, it doesn’t seem connected to the prophet.

I can see the reasoning in Larry the writer’s mind more than the character’s. He’s told that the repeal plotline makes no sense, and he says “meh, I like it” and nobody wants to argue with him, so there it is. A season long head-scratcher. Also, nobody apparently had the balls to explain to him that modern LDS don’t

I think Shauna dancing around saying Jackie is dead is likely more the writers wanting to tease it out with the audience. It gives them the option to go either way later on.