
Yes! The sudden positioning of him by the show’s editors and judges as “most improved” and “underdog” felt off to me.  

Same! I have heard of her, but TikTok has never served up one of her videos, so I’m clearly in the right demographic. 

The director plotline baffles me. I went rewound to see if I’d missed a scene, becauase it made no sense to me that he’d send a huge gift basket after the first day with a “dad” note (other than, of course, supporting the show’s theme). 

Agree - see my other comment also about how it seems very unlikely that if she’d already given birth to a child (even as a younger woman with fewer health issues) it would surely have come up during the storyline about her difficult pregnancy with baby Jack.

Yes!  I even forgot about the IVF part, but thought it was unrealistic that she wouldn’t have told Toby about a previous pregnancy when she was going through a difficult pregnancy.  Especially if she miscarried as a teen, but also if she’d had an abortion. And, although I hadn’t considered it, if she did have a

Remind me of the flash forward where we first met younger Jack’s adopted sister? Is it possible she is 8 years older than he is?  I am remembering her as younger but maybe that’s because of the assumption that she was adopted as an infant. 

I was thinking the whole episode that Grace should be wearing a hat or least scarves

Yes, the fake business trip bothers me too. Let’s assume he had been using this ruse before in order to spend time away from Grace and his son, and with his mistress. But according to him, he wasn’t seeing Elena any more by the time the fundraiser rolls around, so where was he going to go that next day? Is there

There are also the intermittent visions that Grace has, which can be interpreted as what she imagines happened or what she actually witnessed. Did she see him comforting his patients, or does she envision it in order to continue to view him as a devoted physician?  Did she see the dead woman on the floor or does she

I was thinking that it could have been a way to hide from Grace that he’s lost his job. If he wasn’t working, he wasn’t collecting a paycheck, and eventually she would notice that the only deposits in their bank accounts was from her own income. Maybe he asked for enough to be able to keep the lie going until he could

I can’t decide which I love more - impeachident or president combover. 

Since Paddington has been around longer than Harry, and around even longer than Yellow Rain Hat Harry, wouldn’t it be the opposite? YRHH reminds you of Paddington. 

Even if we assume that her son is on a full scholarship, how does she afford to go to the same gym that Grace goes to? I don’t think it’s the local Y.

Thanks for the clarification! It does seem to me that even in the golden olden days of 1980, the investigation into the identity of an abandoned infant and a 911 call that includes a disappearing infant would be linked somehow, someway.  But you’re right, this is where suspension of disbelief comes in if we want to

I stopped watching about halfway through as it was all too depressing, so don’t know how exactly the “Laurel is alive” reveal played out, but isn’t a little obvious to the EMTs that she just gave birth? Do they wonder where the baby is? When a baby is found abandoned at a firehouse, wouldn’t someone make the

And the fish appear to be in a bedroom. So he was not just in her house hanging with her dad, but in her bedroom?

Seriously! The toads were big and overshadowed the actual items being judged. One large toad bowel with them all arranged inside would have been better. 

And why is she standing on her toes like that while barefoot? Pretending she has heels on? She has Barbie feet that can no longer stand flat? She wanted to look taller next to her husband? Or she was making it easier for the photoshop job she already planned on doing?

Although the fake shoes don’t really do anything to hide her actual feet - there’s enough showing post-photoshop to satisfy most anyone who cares for such things.  

Although, even then, the decent thing is to not say any of those things if the decision has already been made (kid is about to be born, you’ve closed on the house, the car is in the driveway).