
I’m getting a Hannibal Lector vibe.

I will watch it, but not sure what apology you are looking for? All I’m saying is that even if you saw Keith firsthand swear he never intended the brand to represent anyone else’s initials but his own, it still does, to many people.

That’s how I recall it - as well as from the podcast Sarah was a big part of. So even if it wasn’t intended to be look like AM, Sarah and others thought it did. As a marketing professional, I’d be pretty jazzed if my logo accidentally had an alternate interpretation that also worked with my brand! (no pun intended)

So basically, you are saying that the band was intended to be only Keith’s initials, but it’s an accident that the design can be viewed another way to resemble Allison’s? I understand from what I’ve read/seen that it was presented to the women as a mountain and that “A” and “M” look like mountains, so maybe it was

NYC kids also made rainbows and hung them in their windows. The New York Times even printed one you could color.  

Actually, I read that they do have practice kitchens where they are staying.  It’s less time (two days off instead of the five previously) but they don’t have much else to do.  Although as we saw, some brought family with them. (Wonder if the pregnant wife is one of them?)

To be fair, Bethenny attacked every new face to join the cast, not just Jules. Kristen and Heather jump to mind. She was fun to watch, but clearly needed to assert herself as top bitch constantly. The only reason I found her more palatable than Ramona was she was smarter, but after a while her constant bullying became

Or they have to bring backup clothes!  Double wasticoats for Rowan! 

Your comment on the sweater reminded me of something. I find it odd that they wear the same outfits on both days of filming. I understand that there is a production reason - so they can edit bits from one day into the other day’s part of the episode - but how often does that really happen? I supposed it could happen

Same! For me it’s usually some kind of large public restroom that also has showers and changing booths so some stalls don’t have toilets and those that do are either broken or have no doors. It starts to feel like a maze trying to find one that I can actually use. 

I’m confused. There is a Boris Johnson skit intro on Netflix. Was there another one cut?

The M&Ms rider is actually not about being an asshole at all. It was a safety play, and a brilliant one.

How does she do it?

In my age-addled brain I often conflate the two, so no surprise to me this dude is confused over who he’s supposed to be marrying.

Two E! red carpet hosts had to call out sick

I’m guessing that is part of the issue - their business wasn’t as easy to transition to online as something like, say, Old Navy or the Gap, who don’t carry multiple brands with inconsistent/unfamiliar sizing. 

We could do 500 days of Joan not making any typos or factual errors - oh, wait, nope. (Although compared to writing that Rodney King was killed by the police, spelling “de Armas” as “De Armas” is minor.)

The headline of this article is confusing though - it says he blames funding, not the “lack of funding.” I read the article just to try to understand how having access to early childhood education turned him into a creep.

Apparently she was estranged from her brother for many years, according to the sister-in-law who spoke to CNN. It’s possible the same is true of the rest of the family, if there is anyone else living. 

I just found other photos of her, and wow, you are correct, another baffling choice by Jezebel. Sigh.