
Oh and I disagree about Willie acting out because of the deaths in the family. I mean, that's the reason being given on the show, but seriously—the child actor sucks. I get zero sense from him that he feels at all sad or angry about the deaths of his mother and sister. He just seems like a brat.

My sense was that Joseph Adama is the assimilated one (or trying to be) as either first-generation Tauron-Caprican or an immigrant himself. If you know anything about real world immigrants, the children of assimilated immigrants tend to be way more interested in getting in touch with their culture than their parents

Since when is throwing a fucking huge rock at someone an appropriate response to being called a dirt-eater? You just tell the kid that his mom doesn't mind Tauron dirt-eaters and leave it at that.

I hear you. I realize that there are a finite number of stories available to be told, but I watch Lost too and I'm getting a little tired of the daddy angst theme.

Was I the only one who was kinda bored by this episode?
The only part I enjoyed was when Tamara realized her power in the v-world and coldly dispatched that roomful of assholes. The final shot was also nicely evocative.

The look and vibe were a little too derivative for me—very Sin City/The Matrix. That whole subplot wasn't suspenseful in the least. There was also something Super Marios-ish about the way the kid was plucking gold coins out of the air.

Related: I won't buy a book if the cover is a tie-in with the film version, especially if a recognizable actor is on the cover. It makes me feel like I'm advertising the movie just by carrying it around.

The Fifth Element is an enjoyable but goofy movie. I was astounded when I found out that there are people out there who take it more seriously. I know a guy who got the fifth element symbol tattooed onto his shoulder.

Am I the only one who tries NOT to buy books? I've always relied on the library for fiction and non-fiction bestsellers. I only buy books if I know I'm going to read them over and over again.

You have to give the guy credit for being the best damned troll he can be.

Ruiners! You ruin everything, you big ruiners!

Fascinating factoid: There are Jews in the Middle East. Also, not all Arabic and/or Muslim people have issues with Jews.

Because in a just world ruled by a loving deity, then all attractive women would only be into men? Because all attractive women somehow 'belong' to straight men somehow?

@stackenblochen: I totally agree. I actually thought the acting was really good. She wasn't meant to be crazy in the same way as Rousseau. She's being Claire-crazy: outwardly calm but like a hair trigger—anything could set her off into an illogical tirade. I totally was hoping she'd torture the Other for awhile,

No one should have to apologize for being human.

There's what I think (that Frankenstein and BSG both were dealing with how people deal with autonomous, self-aware pieces of technology) and what was going on in BSG itself. For one thing, you can't say that there wasn't a definite hesitation for the humans to fully embrace advanced Cylon technology that went beyond

Kara Thrace's love life was sort of a melodramatic teenage soap opera, wasn't it? Only with Vipers and punching.

It's like complaining that Gossip Girl doesn't have enough space exploration.

That's why I said "kinda"…I never noticed a particular political viewpoint from BSG. It was always more interested in exploring situational ethics rather than espousing some unitary ideological stance.

Their fault for being witches.