I will only say this:
I will only say this:
Please read this before going off the handle? She was given an ASD test (which is very common) and tested negative for alcohol, so wasn't requested to go to the station and get a breathalyzer. Her husband was a cop in York, not South Simcoe, and the family of the dead boy is suing the Simons with completely libelous…
I'll be That Guy. There's a lot being done to play up how awful this person is—woman driver! SUV! speeding (by 6mph)!—but I've had some terrifying encounters with idiots on bicycles. Like, there but for the grace of whoever go I in my car over the bicycle and body of some dipshit that thinks it's acceptable to ride…
Credit to http://www.reddit.com/u/bebetta for this game-changer:
Man, I clearly need to revise my definition of "chicken hawk", as I've used the term for years to describe certain Old White (Republican) Men—Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, etc.—in positions of political power who didn't serve in the armed forces and start wars based on false pretenses, using other…
I'm aware of the definition of the word. Culturally, however, it is typically used to describe things that are titillating or trashy. It's technically accurate, but it has unfortunate implications when talking about sexual assault.
This whole article was sensationalistic and gross (gross because it was so sensationalistic). Maybe I am just getting older or something, but it feels like the bar is dropping around here lately. No wonder I don't come back to read/comment as often.
Beginning to believe that clickbait and ad revenue is more important to Jez than social issues; after all, they're running ads for the very hispanic-stereotyping terrible TV show Devious Maids around here as well. It's... gross.
I agree completely. I know Gawker sites are all about the sensational headlines, but "lurid" has some connotations that don't belong in a conversation about sexual assault. And while normally I hate the "BUT WOULD THEY TALK ABOUT IT LIKE THAT IF THE VICTIM WAS A WOMAN?!?!" stuff, I have to say, it doesn't seem like…
Replied to my own post because the longer I stare at this title, the harder and harder it becomes to keep defending this site as 'feminist.'
We can't, as a community and in good conscience, talk about how media portrayals of rape are vile and then play the same game by creating and consuming content that furthers the…
Can the title of this article be altered? It comes across as blatantly sensationalist in a manner that threatens to minimize the harm alleged and eroticize the details of an assault claim in a manner similar to SVU: Rape Porn edition.
(Before someone says something about over-sensitivity, I'm merely saying the title…
I thought it was a well-known and accepted fact that they're pretty much correct about the 'den of iniquity' accusation. There's unthinkable amounts of cocaine involved in the production of our nation's popular media, and there's more 'creepy old men preying on young, often underage boys and/or girls' than any of us…
Can you imagine this being used with the oculus rift? I heard that the fact that you can't see your hands brings you out of the experience. This is probably not the solution, but it is as close to one I have seen.