
Wow this is one of the worst possible written articles I have seen on Jalopnik. Shame on you Alanis. Except for the cars were are the manufacturers names for all other classes? Or you expect us to know them, thus making this article totally unnecessary.

“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”

Absolutely 100% spot on. I am sure there are people here old enough and/or educated enough to know the significance of My Lai - very little difference psychologically.

I may get crucified, but this act:

Trump is an idiot and a buffoon.

Can we also talk about how today he also met with the leaders of the Alphabet Agencies, some of the most powerful and historically pro-GOP Intelligence groups in the world, and basically claimed they were wrong about Putin and Russia’s involvement despite them then releasing a report which states plain as day that

Umm because it’s actually kind of difficult to topple someone with greater height/reach/mass/muscle than yourself? If they punch a guy in the chest they’re aiming a little above his center of gravity and he might get knocked back, but he’s probably not going to fall over.

This was first reported on at lunch yesterday. Took more than 24 hours for Jezebel to give a damn. I know, I know: it doesn’t play into their “narrative.” Still tho.

Is this #whitelivesmatter or #disabledlivesmatter?

Exactly! Jolie agreed just because when Brad is lashing out Jolie herself is terrified that the public will learn what the truth is. The truth will be about her being a total mental case. Crazy as hell. Just look at her. I used to like her until she presented herself as some kind of Mother Theresa. There’s more I

The truth about Brad Pitt is he left Jennifer Anniston for a psychopath and now he is finally realizing it.

She was never that good of an MMA fighter. She had 1 big skill and no real coaching. As the level of athletes increased and people’s skill levels went up, she just stayed the same.

Displaying tasty, delicious donuts in a glass case is not an invitation for disrespect !

Oh Ok. Unavailable men? You keep doing you.

Or just friends, period? I’m not saying this with any snark at all but I’m honestly trying to recall photographs with any friends, and I cannot. Except for Brad’s friends (George Clooney, at al) or work relationships ..... Not judging, here but AJ seems to have a burning all-or-nothing intensity that gives itself more

I don’t really understand how protecting her kids includes issuing a bunch of press releases and making this as public as possible.

Actually, she said it herself in an interview. So. And by ‘trusted’ I’m not talking about such a woman going after unavailable men.

I have never liked her either. Long before Brad Pitt I couldn’t stand her. She seems like a “blow up the bridge” type of person. Once she’s done with you she will do whatever it takes to make you look like the bad person. And the fact she is notorious for going after married/engaged men makes her look like a predator.

We may not know what happened, but we do know that Angelina made this as public as possible on the very first day and has been issuing press releases ever since. If she cared about the kids she wouldn’t be waging this divorce war in such a public way.

Uh, dampers are where all the tech is dude. A spring is probably the least engineered part of the suspension. Dampers/shocks ARE the sexy bit that makes a good suspension.