
Honestly,both Black Flag and Origins were both fantastic games (in my opinion)

I’m more concerned with the lack of dual-analog... Games I’d want to see included like Metal Gear and Tenchu rely pretty heavily on it. 

Or, you know, they could just be satisfied with the money they get from selling effectively the same game over and over until the next console generation...”

People got burned by Watch Dogs so now they go out of their way to find minute differences they can rage about online.

Just my opinion but they perfected the shooting weapons(Bows and Blowguns) in World. Bow and the like are decent weapons depending on the fight but they’ve always felt slightly unwieldy in previous games.

Bow using in the portable version comes down to pre adjusting your aim and then just shooting in their direction. You won’t be spending a whole lot of time manually aiming. You will really only manually aiming when you need to fine tune your shots. Once you have adjusted your aim just charge your shots and let loose

There are a few different control schemes for ranged weapons in the Options - people tend to have strong preferences in this area.

Also, download all the free DLC! Lots of free goodies that’ll help, like potions and stuff you can sell for lots of Zenny

All of these travel bags seem like they were designed for wee folk. How about a carry on for the 48-52" chest crowd? We like our sportcoats and shirts to look nice, too. :)

All of these travel bags seem like they were designed for wee folk. How about a carry on for the 48-52" chest crowd?

But... $10... each? 

I think diverse meaning different characters with different personalities/traits. Not genders or races.

They can be diverse in spirit. Don’t judge a book by its cover!

They used to use Disqus. When Gawker crashed, they changed the comments to their own homegrown system called Kinja, which allowed the writer and editor to keep unwanted comments grey (and thus, “hidden” and shoved to the bottom of the page).

Every con I see this same boiler plate spammed over and over again and I just have to ask this question every time;

Do you seriously the gross, smelly people at cons were just ONE online suggestion from a shower???  Like, do you think that they sit there, stewing in their own juices, looking at a forum of social media

Yeah, a bit overboard with the Overwatch thing there. If we’re going that far you could argue that anyone who gets popular from their fan art would owe Blizzard because they wouldn’t be known if it weren’t for the characters that Blizzard created. That’s all a bit much.

tldr:”I was race baiting for views”

Except that Fortnite is copying dances from more than just black artists and those people aren’t being paid either.  But sure, let’s make it all about race instead of artists’ rights in general.

I came down here to post the exact same thing. Fortnite is copying all types of dances which were originally invented by someone else. A large portion of them were created by black artists, but not all. How about we make the discussion about whether Fortnite should be paying royalties to anyone whose dances they are

That one was a little slapdash, this one is much better I think.

Not nearly enough blue, so I fixed it.