I always wondered why they did that. That was lame but I had stopped watching at that point.
I always wondered why they did that. That was lame but I had stopped watching at that point.
YES, and as a result I grew up with the line "Splinter taught them to be FIGHTING teens" instead of "ninja teens" and now the actual original just sounds really weird to me.
On the other hand this rerelease isn't completely retro because the graphics, sounds and parts of the levels are still completely changed from the original original Resident Evil game. It's actually more radically different from the original release than the the Star Wars rereleases where compared to the original Star…
To be totally frank this screams more "cash grab" than anything. They'e hoping to rake in the cash with a minimum of effort on their part put in. I just felt this was a golden opportunity for them to make a re-release that targets hardware that wasn't prevalent at the time of the Gamecube which was just before the…
Always disappointing when an awesome character is announced without a Playset. Toy Box is so damn boring, and it looks like the 2.0 version isn't really shaking things up very much. Hopefully by next year's they get a bit closer to LBP levels of potential (or maybe they'll never get there since they don't want to give…
I think Disney is shooting themselves in the foot for not offering at least a single level/mission with every character. Sure, it'd be more work, but it would justify the pricing of the characters and make for a far more robust game.
Suing might be overboard but this shouldn't exactly be swept under the rug either. Tired of all these broken promises, I want accountability, damnit. I also would like a 1080p TV so I would have even more reasons to complain!
Nintendo is a business. The goal of a business is to generate revenue. Many times businesses will team up with plans to help one another generate revenue. Nintendo is not a hipster at a coffee house doing slam poetry just for the passion of it.
Why spotlight terrible artwork?
Wow I could have gone my whole life without even knowing this exists. I'm glad I didn't.
feel the same about shooting range. Even if you can only equip weapons in that room, it would make deciding between two weapons a lot easier. They may give stats, but it doesnt show how the weapon feels when you use it.
That's my wish list. What's yours?
Secondary weapon ammo won't disappear when you switch between weapons. If you're a big shotgun player and you pull out a sniper rifle, having no ammo for the sniper rifle adds a degree of difficulty. Perfectly fine with that. But if I switch from a shotgun to a rifle, and then back to shotgun two seconds later, why do…
1. Loadout slots for quick character costumization! If I am jumping between PVE and PVP I might have different skills or weapons as a prefered choice. Letting me have like three slots that I quickly can rename, save, delete and let's me quickly cycle between prefered gear and abilities would make me very happy.
You know, someone in the Kotaku UK post mentioned that a map would be a good idea and I agree with that.
Bungie needs to add proximity chat.
Well... Yeah :) Blizzcon is actually a great argument. Assuming that it would still be as awsome as it is i am all in for some virtual tickets.
virtual tickets would be very cool! But honestly, then everything would be on dailymotion 5 min after it ended and in HD. So the ticket sales would go down, the quality of the panels would go down and so on.
While I don't think that's a good Batman design, I think the design itself is fucking cool. I would love to have that as an endgame boss in a Final Fantasy game or a high-level armor in FFXIV.