Not Enough Day Drinking

It’s not really two different things. No person who committed an act of terrorism in the US has been found to have entered the country across the Mexican border. So the number of terrorists who crossed that border is 0.

The “Dems” (Nancy and Chuck) don’t speak for me. I care far less about ‘securing’ the border than I care about the systemic abuses committed by the people paid to secure the border. The Bill of Rights doesn’t just apply to American citizens, it applies to everyone on American soil (read it if you don’t believe me,

I didn’t watch either, but hearing what Chuck said about ‘democrats also support border security like the president.’ Jesus fucking christ. Grow some balls for 10 fucking minutes. You lose nothing going off here because Trump offered nothing and brought nothing, he just reiterated he had no intention to negotiate.

Coverage of the speech will present clear challenges for networks: How will they fact-check, in real-time, a speech that many anticipate will be riddled with lies?

That would be the case if the game could only exist on one console at a time. But it’s actually more analogous to the very brief period where you could burn a game cd directly to with cd-r and hand out copies at school.

I buy a game, download it, and put it on piratebay to share it with all my friends. Did I steal it even though I paid for it? Yes.  Yes I did. 

I buy a game, download it, and put it on piratebay to share it with all my friends. Did I steal it even though I paid for it? Yes.  Yes I did. 

The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office said deputies were called to a home in Holiday and found a slice of pizza on a chair and cheese and sauce all over the area.

This investigation is incomplete because it completely ignores the 3rd dimension. I can polish off a large thin crust easier than I can small deep dish, so we should really be talking about volume of pizza rather than area of pizza.

So what you’re saying is that if you use this method to play games you didn’t’s theft? 

You may not sell, buy, trade, or transfer your Online ID, Account or any personal access to PSN Services through any means or method, including by use of web sites.

That’s the same thing people who torrent have said from the beginning, but game and movie companies have long maintained that ‘sharing’ is stealing.  If indeed companies like Sony and Nintendo are allowing multiple copies of their games to exist under a single license, that would be quite ironic.

leave a note for her asking her to contact you for you to send her the money

But strangely enough the IRS employees in charge of filling subpeana requests for tax returns have been told not to come back even if the government re-opens.

See that would be hilarious because one place America has very strong laws is in the protection of private property. Even during Korean War, the government takeover of private businesses was deemed unconstitutional during a presidential state of emergency (Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. et al. v. Sawyer)

Sharing account information is a violation of nearly every TOS, so I find it hard to believe Playstation intentionally wants people sharing account passwords.  Especially when the action is being done specifically do deny them money.

You’re right. “The Great Pho, Keene” would’ve been more grammatically appropriate for a Vietnamese restaurant in city hall.

Don’t you just love being dismissed on your own thread?