The very same chemical companies that lobby constantly to avoid regulation of both plant safety and emissions? You mean they want a small government except when it comes to mitigating the risk they themselves created?
The very same chemical companies that lobby constantly to avoid regulation of both plant safety and emissions? You mean they want a small government except when it comes to mitigating the risk they themselves created?
Because Inglewood has no rent stabilization laws on the books, landlords are free to drastically increase rents with only 60 days notice.
If whites can’t say the n-word neither can blacks.
I mean, if you pay off your credit card every month, there’s no “can’t afford a credit card” argument, is there?
Oh sure, I’m going to spend 10 minutes cutting up grapes for winged soon as they start washing cars for them.
Won’t someone think of the corporations?? The poor have trampled on the rights of multinational business conglomerates for far too long in this country!
You go with the amount in the tip line unless it’s obvious the guy forgot decimal point. The tip line shows what he intended to give even if he can’t perform basic arithmetic in the total.
There are two people involved in a rape as well but we don’t give consideration to the rapist. There can be two people involved in a home invasion but we don’t worry about the guy who kicked down the door. There are two people involved in a car jacking but we don’t care what happens to the one trying to steal the…
There are two people involved in a rape as well but we don’t give consideration to the rapist. There can be two people involved in a home invasion but we don’t give consideration to the guy who kicked down the door. There are two people involved in a car jacking but we don’t care what happens to the one trying to…
The word “Vegan” preceding anything I actually enjoy eating that’s not supposed to be vegan.
When you say ‘pizza’ are you allowed to change toppings? Because if I could do an entire category of food, sure, I could live like that. I could do a daily sandwich or a daily order of chicken wings. But if I had to have the same sandwich or the same flavor of wings, I’d probably end up shooting myself.
When you say ‘pizza’ are you allowed to change toppings? Because if I could do an entire category of food, sure I could live like that on several categories. I could do a daily sandwich or a daily order of chicken wings. But if I had to have the same sandwich or the same flavor of wings, I’d probably end up shooting…
When you say ‘pizza’ are you allowed to change toppings? Cuz I’m thinking I could eat chicken wings every day if I was allowed to pick different flavors.
When Amanda Seales comes to the cookout, she brings brown liquor but asks if there are vegan options.
“are a far cry from those of my youth, which trained us to put God and country before everything else.
“are a far cry from those of my youth, which trained us to put God and country before everything else.