Has Megyn Kelly been brought in for questioning yet?
Has Megyn Kelly been brought in for questioning yet?
Total endowment comparisons really don’t say much. It’s endowment per-student that really matters. And in terms of HBCUs, Spellman is already far and away the richest per student at $166k per student.
This administration has always been really shitty with their cover-ups.
Courts have also ruled that Muslims waiters can’t refuse to serve alcohol or pork even though they claimed doing those things violated their faith.
For profit schools shouldn’t be subsidized by government loans in the first place. The for profit school’s objective is to make money for shareholders by extracting the maximum amount of resources from students while providing the minimum amount of investment. The government’s objective is to improve the lives of the…
I did some more research, and I was wrong about something: If they have already paid money towards the loan and are eligible for a discharge, that money will be returned.
everyone who received one has some money coming their way.
If this report is supposed to deal with mass school shootings can’t they just focus all the discipline entirely on white male students?
So only gluten free punishment from now on?
I’ve said it for years. If George Soros was the political mastermind the right made him out to be, instead of paying us all thousands of dollars a month to write comments on message boards, he pay a few thousand people to live in Wyoming and vote.
You know what will keep us safe? A border wall and a travel ban.
LOL, are you serious?
BTW, Texas has 350,000 oil and gas employees. That a couple of hundred of them gave individual donations to a democratic candidate is not exactly raking in oil and gas money. It’s one of the largest industries in the state.
Last minute? There’s still almost 3 weeks to submit entries. You just know there’s going to be a black santa somewhere getting bitched at for not being the ‘real Santa’
Find some (sober) fishing buddies
But it’s never coming to Philly.
The assumption here is that you’re holding the chip or stick directly in the center. Because otherwise you may as well just be sticking your nasty fingers in the dip, which while admittedly is better than licking the dip, is still gross.
The people who are pushing for a wall are people in Kansas and Alabama who live a thousand miles from any international border. People on the border, in general, are vehemently opposed to it.
and only earned a bachelor’s in economics