
Personally I dislike Call of Duty, it's not my cup of tea. War games are not my tea, unless there's space aliens involved.

very true, however it was her world I wanted to save.

Do the curtains match?

I actually get and understand the reasoning, and in today's market, it's prescient. At that point, the iPhone was an established presence, and it has proven to be dangerous to specialty devices, like mp3 players, cameras, PDA's, digital voice recorders, and GPS. To create a "creation device" certainly has its sex

In their defense, they wouldn't be the first major tech blog to post this. In fact, they are late to the party by a few hours.

A prescient quote: This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That's democracy for you.

Here comes the recovery people!

I have friends who collect this stuff. One of them knew I liked redheads, so when I visited him via an airplane trip, he gave me an Asuka figurine he got in Tokyo. The cute redheaded girl who worked for the TSA saw it in the scanner, told me she loved Evangelion, flashed me one of the sexiest smiles I've ever seen. I

This video helps personify a large part of why I love videogames... and why I'm often honored to sell them.

That video is everything a video game movie needs to be, and yet none of the video game movies are.

Someone's going to post a picture of Seymour in this thread.

I got a chance to play the demo of this. It's nothing special. Reminded me an awful lot of Smash Brothers Brawl's side scrolling levels, just busier and with more bombast.


One of the reason's for the audio's digital evolution was the ease of which it could go anywhere. In the car, in our audio systems, on the go... it was music, lots of it, anywhere. The variety of the content and the ubiquity of the software drove Pandora and Netflix into homes...

From what I've read, the game is a distillation of core Batman ideas, enemy motifs, etcetera, and while it's an interesting storyline, it's not an evolutionary or revolutionary take on the characters.

Sounds like a hilarious shift at their local mall TGIFridays.

I thought Windows was doing Search right?

This happened to me. I'm currently waiting on my account to be reinstated after 25 business days. The customer service I've received has been vague, and frankly, irritating and I have felt more ripped off by their process than the 3000 MS points missing that alerted me.

With my own account, I have kept my Xbox and Microsoft accounts fairly separate from any other entity.

That's a big assumption. My XBL account and MS account are used only sparingly, and it's completely detached in name and password from any other account I use, including the email I typically use for online accounts.