Where is the horse and the rider?
Where is the horse and the rider?
Anyone else find this as tiresome as I do? I want to enjoy it but it just looks like more of the same.
For real. The Right has done a fantastic job of convincing young white men that they are superior and everyone else is just here to cater to them. Thank you for pointing that out.
It’s almost shocking how well-adjusted the adults the Harry Potter child stars grew up to be are, even beyond the “big 3" of Daniel, Emma and Rupert.
It’s borderline refreshing to hear a story of a major Hollywood celebrity who’s just kinda shitty to work with. Like, not quietly racist / misogynitic / homophobic / transphobic, not a secret QAnon dipshit, not flexing his status for sexual favor, not an Armie Hammer-style sex cannibal. Just a chronically late dick, us…
you repeated the paragraph about “emotionally 100% true”. can you guys please hire a copyeditor
It’s a fine example of human shield writing: where you put in a few (token) themes of marginalisation, and then hide behind them whenever you face any criticism:
So you spend the entire article telling us the multitude of ways the show fails in every aspect of it’s presentation, admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war, (One of the few pieces of content they DO agree on), and yet still feed us the same old tired, “Unjustified condemnation…
This feels like one of those things where a show or movie that barely anyone watches “raises a middle finger to its haters” to give the impression that anyone is actually still talking about it. I haven’t heard anything about this show since like the first week it came out.
They didn’t know it was SAE-2, but why would you call something so critical “Autopilot” when the general public has a general understanding of what “autopilot” would mean?
After seeing his masterful turn as "guy who does not give a fuck" on the Wonka press tour, I'm excited for Grant to do more weird ass roles that he might also not care much about
It *must* be satire - there’s a glaring error front-and-center in his username that ham-fistedly belies it.
so disabled jews that were killed during the holocaust were killed cus they were jewish and not cus they were disabled? weird
gay people didnt exist in the modern sense then either so not sure what your point is other than to be a holocaust denier.
First of all, no. You’re wrong. Second of all, even if true, so what? They absolutely targeted trans people. It’s not about “not liking” Rowling. It’s about the fact that she’s a bigoted piece of shit.
I think it’s a fever dream, because he’s holding Mariko’s cross in those scenes, but we know he leaves that in the water.
Owning a Tesla Roadster was a status symbol, like owning a 911, M-Class BMW, or a AMG Mercedes. It was a second car. It showed that you had money.
Adorable how they’re trying to pretend like them all happily trying to protect a convicted rapist didn’t happen and has nothing to do with this.
14,000 people are losing their jobs so Musk can be a racist on Twitter and ask Tesla for a $55 billion bonus.
Hey, one of those guys they got was a girl.
2 hours and 15 minutes of getting the band together. I have had worse naps