I am begging Jalop to stop putting giant pictures of this loser’s melting face as the header image for articles. It’s like a jump scare.
I am begging Jalop to stop putting giant pictures of this loser’s melting face as the header image for articles. It’s like a jump scare.
These losers just want to be cool so bad. I’m sure most people don’t think of “Entourage reboot” when they think of what they want from their elected officials, but these dork ass losers are 100% concerned with being seen as cool, hip, and/or funny. They’re almost all failed comedians, scriptwriters, or actors, trying…
Harley Davidson should sue this guy for not buying a Harley.
The No Dicers here are tripping.
The rush to put it everywhere, I think, comes from hype men who sell companies on the idea that AI can replace labor (which corporations LOVE to do). Companies like Google and Meta, meanwhile, haven’t really pushed through any real tech innovations in recent history, so AI is a way for them to kick the can down the…
The Boring Company has accomplished its goals - stifling innovations in public transportation.
They really bought into the hype of Silicon Valley bros who don’t actually understand the tech they’re shilling. They promised an easy way to replace workers that, it turns out, is horrendously expensive, resource heavy, and is under no obligation to give a correct answer or solution to anything. Just utterly useless…
A lot to gripe about on this list, but uhh...the GT-R R34 submission just seems like someone typed “give me a hot take on a really bad ass car and tell me why it sucks, actually” into Chat GPT.
Look we’ve dealt with Trump as political force for 8 years, 4 of those with him as president. It should shock no one that he has the object permanence recognition of an infant.
I meant shame about everything else on THIS car, which by all accounts is a nightmare beyond its attractive appearance.
Who’s she related to? A cop? A judge?
I’ve always thought this was the best looking BMW. Shame about...everything else.
There’s a reason lists of top ten worst cities to drive in often include several Florida cities.
Probably drive on the track at Sebring in my ‘99 Impreza 2.5 RS. It wasn’t a race or anything, but they let people take their cars out for a lap.
It also seems like, from the article, what the couple went through was at most an annoying inconvenience, not an “unexplainable level of cruel humiliation and ridicule” that they’re claiming.
Maybe it’s just me but a tattoo parlor on a cruise ship for surfers seems like a bad idea...
This doesn’t even seem comfortable.
“The company has posted a video of a second generation robot folding a t-shirt”
Look we’ve all seen Musk without his shirt on. There’s no chance this goes well for him. And thus, zero chance he ever actually goes through with it.
Shhh let them fight.