
If she has her own practice, there’s no way that all her employees don’t despise working for her.

The person who gets a GRLBOS custom plate and surrounds it in a diamond frame.

A+ on using the photo of the Cybertruck with dumpsters in the background. No ignoring the similarity in design.

I’m pretty sure even when the album was “released”, members of the Clan said that it wasn’t a “real” Wu-Tang album and that “A Better Tomorrow” was the album they all got together to record.

Even worse than...death? Which is the alternative? 

This is not news. Members of the clan including Raekwon and U-God have been saying this publicly for years. Basically they were paid individually to record some verses without being informed that they would ultimately be used for a collective Wu-Tang album. 

Wow, this is some clickbaity clickbait.

I feel like Solo was so set upon by the “anti-woke” (or “anti-SJW” to use the parlance at the time) crowd that it overshadowed the actual movie, which was a lot better than it gers credit for. I’ve returned to it numerous times. It feels undeniably “Star Wars” while showing some pretty new and innovative settings and

I find this show inconsistent, but not overall bad. The highs are quite high, especially Episode 5. But the lows are quite dreary, particularly Episode 3 and 7 (the flashback episodes). I feel like the story and concept is solid, but the execution is uneven.

They probably laid off whoever was in charge of that process and replaced it with some shaky AI.

Also it wouldn’t have happened if Uber didn’t approve an account with a made up social security number and a driver’s license photo that doesn’t match the submitted driver photo.

Given that the Supreme Court is now basically just “whatever rich right wing assholes want”, I guess anything is possible.

Wait did I read that right? Debuting on Max the next day? So we don’t have to wait like 6-8 months after original airing to see it on Max like the main series?

So does this change the shows’ availability on Max? Are they still going to be watchable on Max? Is this just a semantics argument?

This seems like a pretty spot on appraisal to me.

Regarding Homelander, and frankly all the Supes, it comes down to conveniently forgetting how powerful they are when the plot needs them to. Homelander could just go in and kill everyone at any time, he even suggests it at some point in this episode and then Sage mentions something vague about the CIA. There’s really

This headline is grossly misleading, there is no chance he’ll face consequences and nothing in the article suggests he will. AOC’s motion to impeach is admirable, but I’m sure even she knows it’s completely symbolic, and asking Merrick Garland to do anything is like asking a rock to do anything.

When you “selectively breed” people, that’s called Eugenics.

It’s very telling that the billionaires perpetually enabling late stage nihilistic capitalism are all in the market for secure bunkers for inevitable full society collapse.

Yeah, thank you, I read this sentence (and the one after it) several times and could not parse it, it seems like two ideas jammed together and neither comes across.