
Wait did I read that right? Debuting on Max the next day? So we don’t have to wait like 6-8 months after original airing to see it on Max like the main series?

So does this change the shows’ availability on Max? Are they still going to be watchable on Max? Is this just a semantics argument?

This seems like a pretty spot on appraisal to me.

Regarding Homelander, and frankly all the Supes, it comes down to conveniently forgetting how powerful they are when the plot needs them to. Homelander could just go in and kill everyone at any time, he even suggests it at some point in this episode and then Sage mentions something vague about the CIA. There’s really

This headline is grossly misleading, there is no chance he’ll face consequences and nothing in the article suggests he will. AOC’s motion to impeach is admirable, but I’m sure even she knows it’s completely symbolic, and asking Merrick Garland to do anything is like asking a rock to do anything.

When you “selectively breed” people, that’s called Eugenics.

It’s very telling that the billionaires perpetually enabling late stage nihilistic capitalism are all in the market for secure bunkers for inevitable full society collapse.

Yeah, thank you, I read this sentence (and the one after it) several times and could not parse it, it seems like two ideas jammed together and neither comes across.

The dealership is probably full of vampire zombies. See, I can make up “probably”s too.

Ok, yeah, that’s very messed up then. If someone trades in a car as part of a deal for another car that they then do not get to keep, the dealership can’t just pocket a free car out of the deal.

When they say “didn’t compensate him for his trade-in” what does that mean exactly?

Where are all the free speech absolutists??

I think she was shown when Daemon first encounters Simon Strong. The camera lingers on her before she leaves.

Thank you. It was very clear from their conversation that Baela had already done more than she was supposed to. She got close enough to identify, but I’m sure “burning an entire forest” would be a little too much to avoid saying she “didn’t engage”.

I’m pretty sure based on the trailers for this that I see airing in front of every single fricking movie I’ve seen in theaters in the past year, that part 2 will be in theaters like a month or so after part 1.

I love that we live in world where this is the news coming out of Tesla right after they voted to pay their CEO 56 billion dollarydoos.

No, that was the other woman who accused him of distributing revenge porn.

It’s very weird because we know what she looked like back when she actually WAS that age, so it’s extra jarring to see what “technology” thinks an older her would have looked like. I feel like these de-aging technologies, for all of their advancements, never account for the way peoples faces change with age. Skin gets

I would say this and the voice are the biggest tells.

Why is “girls without eyebrows” such a recurring theme in this list.