I have my issues with that movie but that scene is a classic. Prometheus definitely didn’t try to lean into gore for the sake of it, especially compared with Covenant.
I have my issues with that movie but that scene is a classic. Prometheus definitely didn’t try to lean into gore for the sake of it, especially compared with Covenant.
Yup, in that it is purely aesthetics that he cares about.
I may be in the minority but I hope this doesn’t lean too heavily into the gore. I’m sure it will, because of the director, and this trailer, and the buzz around some sort of scene that’s apparently more gruesome than ever before or something.
Just because you put a yoke instead of a steering wheel doesn’t mean the car is a plane.
Bart’s dead!
Buntaro who as far as we know is supposed to be dead? Cool, glad you told me about it in the headline.
Ah yes, diversity, equity and exclusion programs, now famously referred to by the ubiquitous acronym DEE.
Hmm seems like publicly stating you don’t pay taxes is a good way to end up on the IRS’s radar.
Guy who got his start by pretending to be an expert on the OJ trial hosts pretend experts on Kate Middleton.
Yeah, it’s one of the reasons her Daily Wire movies have done poorly. A lot of the comments and reviews for those films by the target audience of right wingers is “What’s this woke strong lady bullshit?”
Cool, please tell me where I mentioned parties.
It’s terrifying. I’ve been there and it looks like normal, often crystal clear water. You can even see bear or wolf tracks in them sometimes! And yet, if you touched it it would shear the flesh clean off you. There are no shortage of heartbreaking stories of people who learn this the hard way.
I mean, I don’t actually think it’s gunfire. It’s just a loud, unexpected, annoying sound. Like if someone blew up a paper bag and popped it by your ear, or set off fireworks in your backyard without you knowing about it.
I would love it honestly if they brought her back but just made her a very goofy, incompetent character who’s constantly banging her head on things and dropping bit handfuls of stuff on her foot and then jumping up and down. Just make her the doofy comic relief, kinda like that Simpsons episode where the family…
I love that her lawsuit stipulates that Disney has to hire her back and write her back into the show. Good luck with that lady.
This guy REALLY doesn’t seem to understand taxes, or is being willfully obtuse. Hard to tell which.
Lucky you then? I have absolutely written a check to the government for my taxes.
You’re right, you aren’t the smartest person in the world. Tesla pays its employees money for their labor, and those employees pay taxes on that labor income. Once the employees get the money, it’s no longer Tesla’s.
Yeah, this line had me scratching my head too. The last time you could call Sony’s Spider-man franchise “untouchable” was like, 20 years ago with Spider-man 2.
A little crackle/bubble is a neat sound to hear. A full on backfire multiple times a day, not so much.