Nowah Jacobs

"(And the likely author of the note, teased with the anagram formed by the episode titles this season, is Breaking Bad fan favorite Gustavo Fring, which constitutes another bombshell few folks could resist dropping before a fade-to-black.)"

"Look Ma, I'm making valuable mulch."

I am mega-late to Podmass but I'm here to ask my fellow persmarkity clubbers what you thought of the first post-Shoemaker Cheap Heat.

At least we still have Kefin and Jo on How2Wrestling.

Kid eBay, which is on the Best Show box set, is my favorite call of all time. The Bruce Springsteen expert and the Newbridge Mayubanatorial Debate are both long but worth it.

I think "what[doyoumean]" pales in comparison to "by the way."

I still haven't forgiven him for what he did to Lilly Kane.

Do let me know how you like it!

Thank god American Alpha will be back in time for #NXTIndy. Jordan is going to get a hero's welcome in Indiana.

My headcanon is that Ryback came out to protect his longtime lil' buddy Curtis Axel. #RybaxelRules

2004 Chris Benoit and 2008 Shawn Michaels.

Answering the door in a towel is to people like Steven Avery as wearing a black t-shirt is to people like the West Memphis Three.

How dare ye!

Brent Butt is my favorite guest. The one from maybe three years ago when he talked about having a cage fight with Justin Bieber is my favorite episode, maybe.

Actually, only the second drummer (the one standing) is Esmé's. The rest of them were Craig's backing band on his Faith In The Future solo tour, on which Esmé was the supporting act.

Speaking to your third point, I think the world champ can and should defend on TV. Just the other day I was watching Triple H title matches from his 2002-2004 "Reign of Terror" (don't ask me why) and I was really struck by how often they occurred on Raw and how often JR would mention in commentary how the match was

I quit TIJ in a huff after the Chavo Jr./Malenko episode memorializing Eddie because I can't stand anymore how he segues into his ad reads. So fake and, in that context, ingenuous.

Dave and Gray-um on One Bad Mother is going to be so good, though.

You could make a very strong case for Murder/Magic 8 Ball/Procrastination finally overtaking Pancakes/Divorce/Pancakes as Review's biggest and best episode. And coming right after the high concept 6 Stars review, I agree 100% with Review being the best show on TV at the moment, though we're only three weeks away from

Close. While Brock Lesnar was the first person to defeat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, Cesaro also did something at WMXXX that no one else had been able to do in the past: lift the Big Show.