
I'd defended Aja Romano before on the basis that a lot of her famous wanks came from the halcyon days of Harry Potter where everyone was out of control - I mean Cassie Clare's entire fandom at that time, really - and change is possible, right?

Unfortunately you are correct about that.

They could have had young SHIELD agent Nick Fury stop by for an ep, which would have been awesome.

Yeah, the in universe explanation is not a very potent one. I also just think that things taking place at different times, rather than being tied together in one big crossover universe, would open up storytelling possibilities.

Her accent is perfect because it's one of those that's slightly unplaceable, and sounds finishing school as could be.

Matt's flakiness is oddly one of the most interesting things about him, and I think it's because the show doesn't actually make excuses for it. Like people are allowed to tell him off when he's unreliable, and they're allowed to be right.

This has nothing to do with this episode in particular, but am I the only one with a pet theory that Daredevil should have taken place in the seventies? So much about the show would make more sense: the high levels of crime in New York, The irish mob still being a thing in Hell's Kitchen, Matt's lack of connection

Yeah, I'm all for consideration of artists as flawed human beings but there's flawed and then there is Mel Gibson. Is there anything about that man not totally nasty? He's like a cartoon character. It's not just that we, the audience, do not want to see him: no one wants to work with the asshole either. We already

That sounds great - thank you. I will definitely check it out.

Incorrect. My argument is that men have been telling women how to think and speak about their place in society forever, and I have no more patience with it on the internet than I do anywhere else.

Yeah, that's totally the same thing. Women and drunk drivers, exactly the same. A++++ analogy, bucko.

You aren't a woman, are you?

I'd say the Exorcist does a pretty good job of avoiding a lot of the assumptions of the genre it spawned: medical issues are seriously considered as the source of Regan's problems, even the priest isn't superstitious and can't quite believe what's happening until things go totally haywire, etc. And it helps that a)

Those are really god examples of movies that do this kind of thing well. I'd also put The Exorcist into the ring.

I'll probably still see this because it looks so unique, but I have real problem with 'witches are real and also evil' type stories when they are connected to this kind of history. It always seems to ignore the intense misogyny that brought about the Salem witch trials (which were a very real tragedy). Also it would

Cher was good in Moonstruck, Witches of Eastwick, Mermaids… even Mask (though that movie has cheesy elements). She also acquitted herself just fine in her small Silkwood role. Her acting career gets treated as some big eighties joke but she had a very consistent batting average for a while there.

I love this movie. I don't care what anyone says, 80's era Cher was the best Cher.

I'd have thought The General was the first action movie, really. It's barely a comedy.

Thank you.

Hey, remember when An Education came out and all the critics drooled over that story of a highschool girl having sex with a grown man and there was all this weird nostalgia for when people were ~less fettered~ about age difference? They aren't doing that for Carol, though.