
Abbie being sent into the past is a great twist, and I'm glad Irving is back into the fold as he works far better as an ally than some kind of semi-villain. But Katrina… continues to be Katrina. No real motivations, extremely wishy-washy and easily the weak link of the show. I would have written off Katia Winter, not

Olympia Dukakis is a contender for my favourite actor, so I'm very pleased to see this. And to learn that she's as awesome as I suspected.

Good point, I didn't think of that.

Loved this ep, the action sequence was sublime and the humour was great too. I very much enjoy the way Agent Carter is filmed. There's something a little old fashioned about it in a good way. And I'm excited to see what happens next.

"And you missed my whole bit about how often horror films ask you to sympathize with the monster. Ryan Reynolds is both the protagonist and the killer in this film, so naturally the film would be asking you to sympathize with him and his ordeal."

I am not sure how linking mental illness to a propensity for murder DOESN'T say something negative about mental illness. Like, that's literally what it's doing. Look how dangerous and unpredictable these mentally ill characters are, the writer is saying.

I'm pretty disappointed that a genuinely fantastic writer like Marjane Satrapi would be involved in something that contributes to the seriously bad stigmatization of people with mental illness. I'm also a little disappointed that the review doesn't really call this out, but that's par for the course for the AV Club -

I'd rather watch some nonsense about octopus people or whatever than yet another mentally ill people are all potential killers flick.

We know he's a howling commando (CA:TWS) and in the comics she married Gabe Jones. I assume the MCU will be the same, as I don't see why it would be different.

This is exactly it, thank you. Dottie cuffing herself to the bedpost was tragic, not sexy. She's terribly damaged and a product of long term abuse. The mustache ride comment was completely unnecessary as well. Not saying I wouldn't read that fic, but I really don't need inappropriate sexual comments about the hero of

Dottie handcuffs herself to the bed because that's what was done to her as a child - remember the shackles on the beds at the training facility? It's not erotic, it's sad. Dottie is a sad, magnificent creep, not a femme fatale. What a great character.

Kinda odd that this review barely mentions what happened to Shaw, but whatever: Shaw lives! *punches air*

It really does explain everything, doesn't it? I thought I detected the fingerprints of interference by the powers that be on some episodes, but I couldn't tell if that was from the network or whoever. Now I know. And unfortunately it doesn't bode well for the future of the show. The team from last season could have

Yep, they had plenty of opportunities to make evil Katrina work and they squandered them all.

I didn't really think this was any better than last week. Did not enjoy Ichabod's beatdown of random Warlock, certainly did not enjoy random Warlock's 'tragic' backstory where he stabbed a lady for not wanting him. Or yet more Katrina - I really cannot warm to that performance. A badass witch could be a cool addition

I have misremembered the end of this movie completely - I thought the unicorn dies saving her people from the Bull. My primary memory of it isn't fear but sadness. I guess I caught on to some of that existential angst in spite of myself.

Gizmo. Cutest little creature ever invented. I don't care for stuffed animals but I have a couple of him, because who could resist that level of adorable.

Pretty much everything about this episode could have gone so wrong and they didn't make a misstep once. Maybe Joan hassling Gruner wasn't the smartest thing she's ever done, but it was kind of nice to see her make an impulsive decision based on emotion. And not only was she genuinely unafraid and in control in that

Yeah, Elementary is so much the superior adaptation that it's absurd. In part because the showrunners do not have Moffat's fear of icky human feelings.

Sherlock likes to cook! He bakes when he's stressed, remember? The food he makes always looks great, too.