
Yeah, usually I really don't like when the protagonists of my shows do stuff like burn off a dude's face because it suggests that terrible things are okay if Our Heroes do them. But in this case … Kitty deserved her revenge, and I'm glad to see she got it even as I'm sorry to see her go. That SOB had it coming. When

Yeah, they haven't actually ruined the show, or the characters - they've just made them dull. Which could easily be fixed.

Irving could be folded back into the main storyline easily if they just got rid of the distractions of Katrina and Hawley. I still don't think that character or his family is the real problem. In fact he's one of few characters now that's still connected to the myth arc. Plus I'd rather not see the only Black man on

I have pretty much the opposite opinion of the review - the police scenes were okay (and Jenny having to dig bullets out of a nasty corpse was genuinely funny) - but everything with Ichabod and Katrina just dies the minute they are on screen.

I admit I ship them, but it's not as if I care all that much whether it happens in the show or not. It's just weird that they are trying to force the Ichabod and Katrina relationship when they are such a snooze.

Yup. The Cranes are incredibly dull together, the soggy cardboard box of chemistry. I don't understand why they're pushing this relationship so hard. Katrina literally has more chemistry with the headless horseman.

I care about her opinion.

The bit with Jenny was hilarious, and also gross. Which is what I want from my Sleepy Hollow.

You're exactly right - season one's strengths were directly tied to serialization, like the awesome Henry Parrish reveal. Season two has been all MOTW, all the time, plus Katrina.

Yeah, I don't mind Hawley, but he isn't nearly as interesting as Jenny and when was the last time she got an ep? I'm not sure she's ever had one that focused on her, rather than her and Abby.

Essie Davis provided my favorite piece of acting this year in the Babadook, but even I didn't expect a nomination. The awards so shows are so boring and so predictable. I don't even need to watch them anymore to see who wins.

Wasn't it the case that when Frozen won the Oscar for best animated very few members of the jury had even seen the rest of the nominees? I seem to recall reading about something like that.

But that's not an exception to the hollywood royalty club - Julianne Moore is very famous and not a newcomer. And it's much easier for her to get nominated for even a very minor, mostly unheard of movie than it is for someone new to get nominated for something widely critically acclaimed, such as the Babadook.

u wrong son

But the article wasn't saying that no newcomers had EVER been rewarded - it just is pointing out a very noticeable trend.

That's the dumbest reason for excluding a film for potential nomination. Why does that rule exist?

The addiction stuff on this show is done incredibly well done.

The conviction rates for domestic violence are extremely low. The conviction rates for a cop charged with basically anything - as we have seen over this past week - are even lower. It is highly unlikely that he would be thrown off the force or even punished. Gregson's daughter knew the odds and that was why she didn't

Stacy and Clinton are probably my favorite reality TV hosts ever. Their advice was always so sensible, and they were really, really gentle with people who had self esteem issues. And they were very committed to the idea that anyone could look good, regardless of size, etc.

Vern was probably my favorite just in terms of his designs - they tended to be very elegant, if I remember correctly.