
Oh man, Hildi's straw. That was A+ wackiness. How would they even wash the walls?

Liked times a million.

Emma Thompson. If she's done anything don't tell me.

Also did they not JUST make a movie about what happens when governmental bodies compromise on their ideals and utilize authoritarian tactics? It was called Captain America: The Winter Soldier and I hear it was quite popular. Why would they return to that well only to draw less water.

I really do not believe that introducing a bunch of new minor characters (that most of the moviegoing audience is unfamiliar with) to make a stupid plot work (that most of the moviegoing audience is unfamiliar with) is solving anything. The reason the MCU has been so successful is that they've struck a good balance


Does anyone want this? Anyone? On this whole entire planet.

Isn't it the old city hall subway station? That's what I thought.

Ok, Samaritan is officially scaring the crap out of me. I know TPTB have cautioned against thinking of either AI as 'good' or 'evil' but Samaritan has demonstrated a kind of ammorality that the Machine doesn't. It seems to have deliberately exploited Claire at her lowest point. In contrast, when Root was at her

True, true. And it's frustrating to see people who are either not putting in an effort (or alternately are up their own butts with ego) praised when we all know better artists who can't make a cent. This is true everywhere: art, film, writing, whatever.

It's not that I disagree with you, because I don't - there is so much dumb, dumb art out there these days - but being able to turn down a paying gig because of artistic concerns is a pretty big privilege. My Mom is a cleaning lady. If I turned down a big chunk of change because I was worried about selling out she'd

It seems odd to cast Lucy Lawless and then just kill her to give Generic Grizzled White Guy some angst.

Honestly, a Batman show without Batman would be more interesting to me than yet ANOTHER Bruce Wayne origin story. Batman is everywhere these days. But the development of the other people in this universe could be very interesting. However, by making the shadow of the bat loom over everything they seem to be looping it

You have done the brothers Warner (and sister) proud.

If Miller's women were all fully-clothed, thuggish psychopaths, bring the beat-down while onscreen then yes, it would be misanthropy.

Every extra scene they added to flesh out the original novella is perfect. Which can't be easy to do. There's not a hair out of place in this movie.

Yeah, I don't agree. Prisons have had smuggling/trade based economies since they have existed. Red is the local expert, that's all. And we do see Red's shipment come in - it comes in with the laundry (or something - I don't remember exactly) and then Red pays Brooks some cigs to pass it along to Andy via his book

Shawshank is my desert island movie. I feel like it could actually keep me sane.

The wide shot is brilliant, and much more affecting than any dialogue could have been. Plus it gives such a sense of space - very important after the cramped conditions of a prison cell.

I don't mind the change because I always assumed that book Red made it, so the movie really just makes that explicit. I can't imagine him NOT making it to Mexico, so they might as well show it. It's very satisfying.