
Yeah, I kept waiting for Marnie to bring some of her immediate backstage anger into her voice or sing lyrics that would stand out to us as a departure, even if just a teeny, tiny, incremental one. OR, for the scene to be more self-contained and the takeaway lying in how Marnie doesn't perform any differently, her

I can appreciate that Girls has never been about tracking a direct line through events and employs more of that meandering, "life-like" feel. But if that's the deliberate attitude of the show, why was this episode so glaringly engineered around maneuvering each and everyone of the girls for a last minute, shoehorned

I always looked at Pete as a character that operates in very black and white terms to his perception—everything is a business transaction. I don't think he regards himself as taking advantage of anyone but setting up exchanges where all unspoken rules, risk, and implications should be as clear to anyone who engages