
No worries about not checking, it’s how things go. Just glad that you got it out there, since I figure it is a necessary addition to the slideshow (and maybe what Steve was going for).

I hate being in the greys so much. I had posted a reference/link to this a bit ago that is lingering in the pending. Thank you for making a visible reference.

I was really surprised you weren’t referencing this article directly. I guess you wanted your regular readers to make the connection ourselves.

Well, Steve, I have it on good authority that a purple PT Cruiser is a great choice.

People associate heft with quality. See also: phones getting glass and/or metal bodies with very durable, lightweight plastic getting the boot.

It sometimes happens at Dutch Bros, too. It’s just as stupid there.

Big “millennials are killing [X]” energy on the headline. Sorry that the demographic that wants wagons doesn’t want to spend on a Mercedes, I guess.

Same. Now, if I get leather, I want heated and cooled. Still not convinced I need to go full-on luxury car with the massaging function.

Not only is tipping well better, but these pay-it-forwards just slow down the line. There’s a little more explanation to the customer and a little more hassle at the register. Multiply that by the number of customers doing it and you’ve slowed service noticeably during the morning rush.

2nd Gear:

Driving with coworkers to a conference. Three of us in my Cavalier coupe. One is a smoker. I do not allow smoking in my vehicle.

Nothing to get excited about, but very clearly a nice price for someone who wants two of these. Get them, see which you like better, sell the other, and you will come out ahead.

Y’know, I realize that I have never met a real Corvette snob. I’ve known collectors, but they seem to love them all. I’ve known people who love their specific Corvette. I think I have been lucky enough not to know anyone snobby about which Corvettes are good/bad/neutral.

Auto high beam control is becoming increasingly common, so I hope it will be standard soon.

I think most auto headlights have a sensor delay to prevent just that sort of scenario. I know mine won’t turn on when driving unless the sensor has been shaded for a little bit.

I don’t think dealers are checking headlight alignment and manufacturers aren’t worrying about it, either. I bought a brand new car a couple years ago and thought it just looked brighter because LEDs and a higher ride height. They wouldn’t even fix it on my first oil change, after I realized what was going on. They

Hey, let’s not be hasty here. Even with all this, I’m sure a smaller department will have them back to brutality policing in no time.

No, he just likes his photos upside-down, so this is correct from his preferred perspective.

It starts and runs, according to the ad, but it looks suspiciously like nothing in that engine bay has moved in a long time. And like there isn’t a fluid anywhere a fluid should be.

I think the video game questions might also be a way of figuring out how to get the racing game audience to also be a race audience. I think they are trying to capture a new demographic of racing fans.