
And yet the Vita just had another physical game just got announced.

Pricey at launch?

This is the kind of stuff class-action lawsuits are made of.

If this disturbs the fragile little ego of Pooh, that's all the more reason to keep it on here.

It is true. Nintendo used the CONNECTOR for USB-C but it’s not USB-C.

I think Nintendo's had them out in plentiful numbers long enough that if someone actually wants one and doesn't have one, they only have themselves to blame for it.

I think Nintendo's had them out in plentiful numbers long enough that if someone actually wants one and doesn't have

This is great and all... but remember how quickly that adoration can turn on a figure.

Sure, games that feature heads being ripped off, skulls crushed, slaughter en masse- nobody blinks an eye. But dare to pop out a nipple and all of a sudden there’s a problem.

You know what’s even crazier?

Um... you know, I know that “fat shaming” is a thing, but the Zora Queen’s curse didn’t make her just “fat”. If you look at her cursed size compared to her normal size (where she’s just a bit taller than the other Zoras), the Cursed Queen’s about TEN TIMES BIGGER. So if her normal size was about 120 pounds, that would

This article is interesting, but ignores the fact that the Zero Suit is basically designed as underwear, specifically meant to be flexible and comfortable underneath the exterior armor Samus normally wears. Think about an Olympic Athelete, for instance- the suits that gymnasts wear, and you have the basic idea.

No, it’s not fair to say “next gen allowed them to do this” or that “last gen is holding them back.”.

Congratulations- you made a rebuttal to the article that’s better than the article itself. Bravo. :)

Team Ninja, creator of Other M... What a great game!

I dunno about porn, but you can get a Google-Cardboard compatible headset at a general goods store like WalMart for about fifteen bucks. So long as you’ve got a somewhat decent smartphone; you just slide the phone in and boom, VR. The phone’s processing and gyroscope handle all the technical stuff, while the lenses

And a big reason why the toploader works so well is because Nintendo could do away with that nonsense, so they removed the 10NES chip, which was a huge cause of trouble in the original NES.

If you liked the Go, you ought to check out what the original Vita prototype was like. A slideout screen, standard SD cards AND tv out. The videos released of what might have been get the blood boiling.