Zoey Nova


Is Arkham Knight out?

People who vote for caffeine over weed:

Courtney is such a fucking nobody anyway.

it means only ppl plating need to worry about it

New York is reasonable. wear gloves only for food that's ready to eat.

fuck Jared Leto! YEEHAWWW

As a trans women I can act as interpreter and guide for these sorts of things. Go on ask me a question. Boyfriend doing something puzzling? Girlfriend playing games? Zoey knows what they're REALLY thinking.

nvm I'm wrong. still filmed in Pitt though.

Dawn of the dead was set in Pittsburgh. Filmed in the monroeville mall.

I update refuge restrooms every time that I can while I'm out.

I'd date you :3

Bigots are easy to spot tbh. check the hair.

Oh my, I'm very aroused and my vagina is lubricating itself in anticipation of intercourse, please thoroughly massage my breasts in a sensual manner whilst I make digital contact with your semi erect penis.

vagina is a fine word. or not. it's at least as gross sounding as penis is. I think any proper term sounds out of place in romance tbh.

whatchu know about spam musubi

so happy I
don't even
yes I love

It's going to misgender ppl especially trans people, potentially outing them against their will.

Lock these books up and throw away the jail.

Thank you... one trans woman to another...