Very good night. I may have cried a little and been, I don’t know, happy or some such thing.
Very good night. I may have cried a little and been, I don’t know, happy or some such thing.
I’m not crying. I Am Not Crying.
I liked it.
She and Elizabeth were both amazing. I had butterflies and heart eyes and all the hope when they were done speaking. These women are true champions of the people.
Was it just me, or did she look/sound a little emotional when she said the line about her daughters being able to take for granted that a woman could be president? I don’t know why, but I wasn’t expecting that from her. Not because I don’t think Michelle would care about big milestones in women’s achievement, but just…
Bernie wasn’t even a fucking democrat until just a short time before he decided that the year the woman, was running was his one chance to try out a presidential campaign. Of course the DNC wasn’t paying him as much attention - he was new to the party. He had all the time he wanted to learn how things ran, the rules…
Oh FFS. Sanders was not polling with any kind of real support at the time this stuff was written. It’s not unfair to support a strong front runner to try to make sure a Dem gets the nod. You know what Sanders supporters? HRC was also favored early on in 2007/8. You know what, a black man named Barack Hussein Obama…
This is a super good use of the DNC’s time this general election.
Then why did he reduce Sanders’ opponent to her uterus?
What is ridiculous to me is the fact that either Killer Mike or Elliott used this language in the first place. It is one thing to say “I am voting based on issues, not on gender,” but focusing on her uterus (or vagina, which I have heard both men and women talk about this election cycle) reduces women to our…
One star = 1 prayer
It must be hard to consider yourself liberal and progressive and just hate women with every molecule of your being. That must be a real challenge during election season. We should pray for them.
“Um, I’m pretty sure Bernie showed his face during the suffrage movement. He’s actually a feminist.”
I think it’s smart. And mutually beneficial. And it’s great for optics - pro-choice women sticking together. Planned Parenthood need all the “Establishment” support they can get since they’re being defunded left and right at State level, and Bernie’s the anti-Establishment candidate, and he’s a dude, so it’s smart for…
We are at red level terror alert when it comes to abortion rights in this country. And, as much as I like Obama he has kind of pancaked on this issue. We can’t have another president who says nice things, but does little else as abortion rights are eroded. 4 years of that and we won’t have any rights left to erode.…
Because Bernie WILL NOT WIN a general election. He won’t. Stop believing that he has a snowball’s chance in hell of doing that. PP is looking at the long game. The GOP will get their shit together and throw up Rubio or the Canadian wonder, either of whom would eat Bernie alive.