Not working for me on mobile
Not working for me on mobile
Not working for me on mobile
Not working for me on mobile
Does “call [contact]” work without internet? Because that seems obvious but I’m not really sure it does.
Another budget article, another plug for Goodbudget, my favorite budgeting app. It uses metaphorical envelope budgeting - isn’t that a Dave Ramsay thing? I don’t use it for top to bottom budgeting - don’t track fixed expenses in it, only variable ones - but you certainly can. If you have the pro version it also allows…
The Thermos King Max coffee tumbler has a large enough top to fit the aeropress. That was my main reason for choosing it over the Contigo. The model I got also has a nice handle which I love. It's just as insulated is the contigo and give me at least 12 hours of hot to warm coffee. The only real disadvantage is that…
The Thermos King Max coffee tumbler has a large enough top to fit the aeropress. That was my main reason for…
I always bought brand name Bounty after trying many generics - something I almost never do as usually the generics are fine with me - but have recently discovered that the Aldi house brand is just as good. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they are rebranded bounty though I haven't done a detailed side by side…
Yeah its not compatible with my Note 4
I wrote the nomination thread for the Note 4, but I have no real love for Samsung in general and am not surprised that no other ones made the list. I will say that the Note 4 is the first Samsung phone I've ever seen or touched that has anything close to an upscale feel, but it's still not as nice as the HTC One. I…
I am a bit of a coffee snob and like making my own, but if I wasn't I would be on this like white on rice. McDonald's coffee is quite good for the style. I would put it at the top of fast food chains that aren't Dunkin and way ahead of the coffee in most offices.
I use lightning launcher as my launcher, and I'm pretty sure that it can integrate with Tasker to roll your own version of these guys. I haven't really tried it, but it's on my summer tinkering plan.
I am not much of a gamer but I am buying $4000 worth of Nintendo stock on Tuesday. When it doubles in the next few years I will have this story to thank.
I am using Lightning Launcher at the moment. It is occasionally a tad unstable, but it brings something none of these others have: arbitrary icon placement and size, as well as arbitrary widget sizing. On a note 2 I generally like to change the Dpi to make things smaller and in grid launchers would use something like…
The reason this is better than other no-contract/prepaid plans e.g. Straight Talk? Family Plans!
VOTE: Whichever one comes with your laptop or tablet. Let's be honest here.
This matches my recipe pretty well, only I add a couple of tablespoons of molasses. Really pushes it over the autumnal edge.