Cause Cody Bellinger won the ROY in 2017. Tough to be a rookie again, after winning the actual award.
Cause Cody Bellinger won the ROY in 2017. Tough to be a rookie again, after winning the actual award.
James Shields was a clubhouse leader and ate up a lot of innings, so it’s really impossible to say who won the White Sox/Padres trade. Impossible
When I was a teenager my friends and I frequented a local Denny’s. One “joke” we would play was to unscrew the top of the salt shaker so that whoever used it next ended up with a mound of salt on their food. Looking back I don’t even think it was a funny prank, it’s not like we ever witnessed the victim using the…
He played 12 years, had 2 great seasons and 4 pretty good ones. He hit 275 HR, which is a lot more than me, but not a lot for a power hitting OF to get into the HOF.
Legit question. Who goes to Burger King?
Are you serious? You honestly think I’d say all the things I have said about an Eskimo brother?
Well when you put it that way, it’s basically a longer way of saying what you said the first time.
How nice of them to season my meal perfectly for me personally! It’s amazing because I didn’t even tell them my preferences!
“Entitled” is a racial slur?
This assumes all palates are the same. Also not all restaurants are good.
Two things:
Stupid fuck was driving NYC at night with the lights off and a fucking arsenal of illegal guns in his car while smoking a joint that HE DIDN’T EVEN PUT OUT when the cops pulled him over.
Ms. Waitress’s suggestions are all good ones. I’ll add my own:
Counterpoint: At least half the customers will add salt and pepper to their food automatically without ever even tasting it to see if it needs it. Also, it always needs more salt. A chef’s refined palate, trained to identify flavors and flavor interactions, is not going to be the same as Joe Public’s tastebuds which…
Consisting of one 500,000$ bill.
Nobody was talking about machine guns. The guy’s point was that a high-capacity, semi-automatic rifle was the best gun for dealing with large numbers of feral hogs. He may ultimately be right or wrong, but it’s not an unreasonable argument.
WGA East is the one that actually has all the experience organizing digital media shops - including Slate, Vice, Vox, and yours truly. I believe WGA West is mostly focused on screenwriters.
Deep-fried PB&J is one of the world’s best culinary inventions. It’s basically one of those Smuckers Uncrustables things, which makes it functionally a PB&J empanada. I haven’t had one in almost a decade and now I want one so bad.