
I wonder what the US broadcasters pay them. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets a whole lot more here too. I’m not a fan of his, I’m a casual tennis fan, and I’m from New York (where he’s from and is seen at sports I do follow), so take this with a grain of salt, but McEnroe seems like the most recognizable personality

They’re actually very good at that.

So you’re saying that Michigan State refused to change their incorrect course of action, despite mounting evidence that they were doing something wrong? Weird. Doesn’t sound like Sparty.

Think about it like this: Michigan State deserves nothing good after Larry Nassar. So in some ways all good and right-thinking people have already won

Let me check my watch.

The thing about that zone is that it can be especially difficult to solve if you haven’t dealt with it before. All the tape in the world doesn’t help, and you can’t really simulate in practice because of the length and quickness of the athletes running it and their experience doing so. It can flummox even offensively

This is such dangerous bullshit

Extremely. However, give the young man credit. He’s not injured. He’s not dead. He made a mistake, as we all do. It’s cliche, but this kind of thing builds a man’s character. He will come back. I look forward to watching him, whether it be collegaiately or professionally. I see greatness in this. I see maturity in how

“They can’t do shit”

Yes. Trademark is a protection to make sure people aren’t confused by the source of goods. To use a mark, you need permission. If you use a mark without a license, and then do something high profile and/or obnoxious, expect to have the license holder get pissed about it.

If you are making money from your use of their trademarks, then yeah they can do a lot of shit. Your example has nothing to do with what is happening in the article.

Yes, they can sue you if you put a Dominos trademark on a car, then film monetized Youtube videos with it.

As much as I sympathize with him, and as much as I dislike Domino’s, the truth is that they’re the ones in the right here.

This is, without question, the greatest moment I have ever had as a UB alumnus.

...wait, Arizona lost to UB? HOLY SHIT, THAT MAKES IT EVEN BETTER!

@RealSkipBayless The Pac-12 is dominating March, with a 5-0 record in the NIT

It also speaks to the fact that this is a family of terrorists.

I didn’t know he had a sibling. What she said enrages my spirit. Wishing that the kids that walked out would get shot speaks to how racist she has clearly been raised. I sincerely hope she is able to be reformed, but sadly, that’s hiiiiighly unlikely.

Sounds like he had plenty of reliable dealers but in a pinch used an unfamiliar one and it didn’t work out. The whole thing is weird but of all the parts to call BS on, that one doesn’t seem particularly odd.

I’m not justifying the waitress’s actions but a lot of restaurant owners hold the waitstaff responsible for any lost bills. Given that this a franchise IHOP as opposed to corporate owned, it would not surprise me if that was the case.