I would not be surprised if at the end, Simmons becomes more appreciated for his ability to hire/develop talent rather than his writing skill. GM Simmons > Player Simmons.
I would not be surprised if at the end, Simmons becomes more appreciated for his ability to hire/develop talent rather than his writing skill. GM Simmons > Player Simmons.
As someone who travels for a living.... you are the worst kind of person and I hope you break a limb next time you’re rushing past people in the airport.
Within the past month, I’ve been behind people boarding American, United, and Jet Blue flights who were denied for trying to board with the wrong group (2 of the 3 involving various groups of non-priority boarding). It seems like airlines are paying a lot more attention to this than they used to.
Excuse me sir, I don’t mean the commercially available frozen Pizza bagels. I’m a little classy for that. I mean throwing pre-grated cheese and storebought tomato sauce onto a sliced bagel, putting it into a toaster oven and hopefully not burning the house down when I pass out drunk.
A garlic press? My kitchen does not look like Mario Batali’s. I mean, aside from the lack of sexually harassed or assaulted women in it, I do not own every last type of kitchen utensil or instrument. Fuck pressing my own garlic. I can buy jars of minced garlic and just spoon out a little bit for my various dishes.
Call us after you have kids.
That is about 1000% more work than I want to put into 3 AM pizza bagels.
I also don’t want to deal with making a massive quantity of something for one dish, or freezing or thawing stuff I’ve made before, or cleaning another pot. I’m good spending the $5 and reading nutritional labels.
You want to feel old, realize all the bands of your youth are now on shitty packaged nostalgia tours that you used to make fun of Baby Boomers for seeing. My parents lost their shit when Steppin’ Wolf played the county fair and I rolled my eyes and whined. Yet, the Offspring played my local county fair last…
New York is a giver, not a taker. Volume has nothing to do with it, per capita has nothing to do with it. The total numbers show that New York and New Jersey receive less in Federal Funds than they pay in. And those same numbers show that moocher states getting more than they put in are located in the South, primarily.
For every $1 a NY citizen pays in taxes, the fed government spends <$1.00 in NY. They are explicitly not takers.
Why on earth would the GOP want people from the NE to move to red states and make them more likely to turn blue? That makes no sense.
The Federal government funds a lot of projects all over the country. There are interstate highways where you live, no?
You would also think that they would get back more than 75-cents on the dollar they put into the federal government, but that’s the number.
Please. A huge percentage of that list is vague (i.e. “Worked to increase defense spending”) or highly debatable (i.e. withdrawing from Paris Climate Accords) or not an accomplishment at all (i.e. the last three bullets where traveling is apparently a major accomplishment). And the list of things he’s made worse…
At first,I was looking at this like the no-brainer that it is,trying to figure out why he’s willing to throw a gazillion dollars at some stupid wall because of “campaign promises” vs. a very real and present issue in the form of this tunnel.
And it came rather quickly.
Louisville fucks itself in seconds, even though they are not in an Italian restaurant