Seriously? Did you read the OP?
Seriously? Did you read the OP?
Absolutely! But I thought Lost was more well-known. (IMDB still lists J.J. as “Producer, Lost (2004-2010).” You’d think STAR WARS or even Star Trek would have trumped Lost by now, ha!
Like Whitbrook says, the movies just don’t care about the wider ramifications of the world they have created. “Billions of innocent people murdered!? Pfft, whatever, let’s focus on Kylo and that Hot Pilot! So sad.” In the original films, Leia was always this voice that helped me focus on the Rebellion; Luke was the…
Welcome to the Abramsverse: “All Mystery and No Payoff Since Lost (TM)!”
Yep. The New Canon makes no sense. In order for the First Order to be the ‘scary’ galaxy-wide thread that Abrams wanted, the New Republic had to fail— Luke, Leia, Han, Akbar, Mon Motha, everyone had to fail, worse, in a blood stupid way.
Damn! More good news. Very excited.
I saw this movie as a kid with my younger brother, who remains terrified to this day of Witches. When the kid was transformed into a mouse...*shudder*... it was a perfect rendition for that feeling of physical powerlessness children can have (hopefully only rarely) in a world of adults.
Actually curious, not trying to be a jerk - according to whom? I mean, I just don’t know if the Blue People are offensive to Native Americans themselves, but they are very stereotypical.
Seriously, Disney? Stop trying to make Kylo Ren happen. It’s not going to happen.
The CW seems like the network least likely to have a truly dickish executive lurking in the C Suite. They also produce Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Jane the Virgin, Riverdale, and Sabrina (Now With More Satanism and Orgies! TM).... The CW is weird.
I’m betting that we will invest in desalination plants on an unprecedented scale in coastal regions.
We need to talk about how celebrities and private citizens need to lobby for increased legal and digital protections for our image, the right to our face and appearance, because this shit is toxic garbage no matter what it’s used for.
It was a really, really good pitch meeting with some top notch coke... and Berlanti brought the LSD.
Cocaine. Lots of cocaine.
Nice. I love the Space Marine’s voice. Great short.
My, Kurt Russel looks sgood...but the movie looks bad. Like Tim Allen’s The Santa Claus but with more ‘action,’ social media, and worse effects
Amazing. This is gold.
We kind of need that Picard right now.
Damn, son! I’M. SO. FUCKING! PUMPED!
I’ll take Bendis on YJ so long as we get Patrick Gleason on art!