Sigh. So true!
Sigh. So true!
Beautiful posters! Man, this show was amazing! Own the whole thing on DVD...time to watch it again!
Why in the name of God does anyone want to a watch a movie about Kirk’s father? There’s little chance this is a good script, if that’s their starting point. It’s like Nu-Trek just insists on going backwards at Warp 9.
No, no they have not.
In this sense, “definitive” means (1) (of a book or other text) the most authoritative of its kind. It’s a common term in literary criticism and media studies. Like how for many people Christopher Reeve is the “definitive” Superman. But it really depends on your first and/or best exposure to a character or work.
That would be...really...really weird. Like, I can see why this concept would be AWESOME. And also so daunting to avoid turning it into a disaster. What would even be the plot!?
To be fair, the Kingsmen should be called the Queensmen. The Brits take that sort of thing quite seriously; I mean, it’s Her Majesty’s Ship, the Queen’s Guard, the Queen’s Life Guard, etc., etc. They officially swap it when there’s a new monarch. Kind of a same Her Majesty didn’t insist on renaming the ol’ secret…
Very interesting! I like the creative team, they seem to have a great handle on what they’re doing!
I’d love to see Picard finally promoted to Admiral and grappling with the new realities of the job - the struggle to be the first not a total lunatic and/or total a**hole flag officer in Star Fleet!
Holy CGI, Batman! This movie really needs another polish before final release. Or, I don’t know, we can stop making two-hour slogs through the swamp at the bottom of the uncanny valley.
Well, I loved it and hope that the sequel makes it out of production. I thought it was a great coming-of-age/action flick.
Take my star for DARK MATTER, WOO!
Awesome! I’ve read a few comments complaining about her acting chops, or lack thereof, but she’s got a great screen presence and physicality and the strange ability you need in action flicks to emote “gritty intensity” with just your face or stance. Hope she gets a great costume and a better writer than the average CW…
I can’t say I appreciated it as much as you did, but I will keep my fingers crossed for Supergirl. I just don’t see anything in that résumé that tells me, yeah, this dude knows how to write Supergirl.
I like this idea in theory, and yet, I feel like that would in a “struggle for power” situation among the rebel factions...I’m probably overthinking this. Yes, yes I am overthinking this.
That’s not an inspiring résumé.
Thanks, TuMannyAds! Exile? I mean, I guess the resistance doesn’t want to waste time and energy imprisoning anyone, but that seems weird. At least they found him guilty. Ugh, I hated that movie.
In a universe where logic, internal consistency, and reason are dead and buried... ;)
Interesting! I like the animation and what we can see of the starting concepts; I hope that the “HUD” is just for the teaser and the show doesn’t take place from inside someone’s desktop computer, though!
For those of us that can’t or don’t want to watch the video, what’s the verdict?