
Nice work, team. Awesome thread.

Great idea! New fancanon established!

It’s simple. ANTI. TRUST. LAWS. Write your senators and representatives. If they current laws don’t work, make them stronger.

Man, “U.S.S. Callister” is the perfect mix of modern and retro styling for Star Trek. It’s what “Discovery” should look like and what “The Orville” wants to look like. And it makes me sad.

Sir, I appreciate your honesty. Take all of my stars.

Not a problem!

I’ve read the first two issues, they’re fantastic. They feel very self-contained and feel like a continuation of Runaways Vol. 1, with little to do (yet) with later arcs. If you like the art in the preview, I’d recommend them. I suspect things might get screwey later, as they often do in comics, so you can always wait