
I missed out on Hamilton’s adjunct series on the dearly departed site. I was adjuncting at a for-profit college in Upstate NY (one that isn’t as nefarious as ITT, Everest or others) and would get students that left ITT Tech for our place only to find that their credits were worthless and would not transfer. They’d




I’m only vaguely familiar with Vegas geography, but exactly where are they proposing this stadium? One rendering looks like its south of the Mandalay Bay adjacent to McCarron and another places it in the middle of a...warehouse area?

Long Island. Make Long Island home of the Olympics. Winter and summer.

Former college SID assistant here...

The wrestling coach at my high school ran an unofficial handball game each week. It's a brutally physical game, or at least that's how we played it.

$500,000 is the buyout number. That’s four years of undergraduate tuition for 2 1/2 students.

John: Taking care of yourself is one of the most important points in your piece. One of the keys to quality caregiving is self-care and the rubicon so many have to cross is that this is okay. And, it’s worth mentioning, there are organizations like the Alzheimer’s Association that provide services nationally,

It would be great if the writer wasn’t doing a Burneko impression.

Nah. It’s funny. He was going to get free ride to prison and decided to kill himself. He was a scumbag market manipulator and criminal. Fuck him.

It doesn’t matter who’s in the driver’s seat, this organization just crashes head on into a bridge embankment everytime.

Amar’e is still in the league? No shit.

You forgot Greg Paulus.

In what might be the first time ever this appears in the cooments: GO BONNIES!

Once I had a girl on Rocky Top
Half bear, the other half cat
Wild as a mink, sweet as soda pop
I still dream about that

Everytime I see my college roommate...

Is this where I sign up to take Foodspin over? Okay then, ahem: