you sure you want to give them that much credit? if they can find a way to blame the victim for it, they will ...
you sure you want to give them that much credit? if they can find a way to blame the victim for it, they will ...
no, bro. it didn’t. either you made a stupid, easily-refuted point or you didn’t communicate very well. which is it?
counterpoint: wrong.
some beliefs, like ‘should women have control over their bodies?,’ should be inalienable. non-negotiable.
okay, well, lesson learned — keep doing this, just start wearing masks/scarves. got it!
:( I’m sorry.
yes, because smashing holocaust memorials and peacefully protesting are exactly the same thing. good job, bud.
ebrose is the archmaester of healing. he has close to the widest breadth of knowledge on medical business of anyone in the country. you have to be joking.
lmfao are you kidding or ... ?
pretty sure he was cleared to be back in public by an archmaester, which isn’t really something to take lightly
‘a second abuse’
oh, fuck off with this
who excused any of them?
no, he beheaded someone for dereliction of duty / abandoning their post
one one hand, fair, but I think Dany knows that Jorah wouldn’t dare come back and put her at risk unless he was 100% sure he was good 2 go
but that wasn’t out of vengeance?
right, like, I get its importance to us, the audience, but to him, this is just a random tidbit about a bunch of dead people. it’s not like he would’ve been able to use it.
see, that’s my first instinct but ... I actually have met men this blisteringly stupid about basic anatomy (and unjustifiably egotistical about their own talents).
right, I feel like we’re supposed to take offense to his comparison (for some reason that I honestly can’t parse out), but all I’m feeling is the respect for taking what was a really shitty thing that happened to him and instead making sure that it isn’t used as a case for disbelieving women, which is pretty awesome…
yes ... really.
or that she was successfully groomed?