
congratulations on your ability to bury your head in the sand.

yeah — I adore the things he creates (count several of his films among my top 10) & envy his creative abilities greatly — but I would never want to deal with him in person. ‘wang’ seems appropriate.

Shelly would never do that to her daughter

Arbitrary demographic designations are a chumps game...

oh, this was just a poorly-executed joke. my mistake!

they ... probably do.

or a discount James Marsters

ah, yes, those are a delight.

wait, which one? Kennywood?

and Megan Mullally / Nick Offerman.

in the very first episode of the series.


thank you. like, is she just drunk every time she watches this show, or ... ?

but doesn’t tell her

thank you. jesus. I wish they’d get someone who actually pays attention to the show to do these reviews.

“what can I do? He’s my son, I have to support him”.

I don’t want to victim blame

literally in the article is a line about how this is unlikely to pass. so what? it starts a conversation and lays the groundwork for when this country isn’t in the grasp of a bunch of evil morons.

l-o-l then you are lucky as fuck. hope that lasts!

but she has never proven herself clever in any way, but now she’s suddenly outmaneuvering Tyrion at very turn?