
GOOD. Keep him in court until he drops dead.

except that’s not really what happened in Bridesmaids but ... okay

& I think everyone (or most — haven’t been through all the comments yet) took it as such, s no worries! GNU’s just being an ass.

no, it would be best if the bathroom were unisex. dummy.

‘woman’ is a gender, not a sex

(trans) men can get pregnant

and if he’s enforcing this due to pearl clutching at lady shoulders that’s BS.

of course, this doesn’t mean that snapping your gum at people, or chewing it like a cow chews cud isn’t rude, but just chewing it? nah.

uh, okay. I’ve literally never heard anyone claim this in my life before now, but sure, it’s the ‘general perception.’

well, then you’re a shitty friend.

but we still live in a society where most of our rights are protected

dropping rocks at an overpass is dangerous, even frequently lethal, so ... actually, it is an apt comparison, no matter how much boldface you use ...

a three-year difference? not really?

would you like sauce with those hats, or would you prefer to take it plain?

yeah, that’s what you’re supposed to do. unfortunately, most people are selfish dicks.

She also told the Daily Beast that she was astounded when she was again offered half as much money for the Season 10 revival:

... were you there?

this type of comment is exactly why we’re getting rid of you

with the ferocity with which you’re defending this creep, i’m afraid to ask how many women you’ve battered.

‘absolutely zero proof’