
No. No, that’s not why he wasn’t shot.

nah, sans serif fonts are ugly as all hell.

lol. easy to say that from afar, bud.

Yeah, it sucks rapists get off more often than not, but you know what sucks worse?

Stop giving the word power.

patty pedant, reporting for duty

I don’t see why you’d get ‘hosed’ for that very reasonable opinion. Plenty of people who would never personally have an abortion recognize that they don’t get to make that decision for others.

What would you suggest?

it always seems like people forget that we’re still adults with agency and insight into what we can and can’t handle for our own health.

‘satchels of gold’ remains a regular catchphrase around our household.

you realize terrorism can be perpetuated by people of all races and immigration statuses, right?

at the expense of their daughter’s safety and emotional well-being?

i think the key word there is ‘many’ ...

but I’m a millennial. :(

it’s not okay to spread that bullshit in public, no.

cockblock ... at nancy’s request. did everyone forget that part?

man, I will never understand why people feel the need to shoulder in on something just to proudly proclaim that they hated it / thought it was overrated / won’t be watching anymore. who cares?

I’m young (well, depending on who you ask) and I loved it. taste isn’t dependent upon age. ;)

generally and vaguely encouraging him to kill himself.

right ... mostly minorities in a racial/gender sense ...