
actually, unfortunately, it does.

she’s just ... perpetually exhausting.

omg stop this nonsense

this isn’t pulling a cruel prank, or even something astronomically stupid but semi-expected from dumb teens. this is evil.

there’s a lot here that has to do with you specifically and shouldn’t be applied universally as if you speak for everyone ... work on that

and I don’t live in the US.

but literal parallel legs could be pretty hard for a chunky legged man.


what in the honest fuck

I always have, and still do. And seemed really counter-character to Cooper.

I have (albeit one with safety drivers / programmers), and it was really neat to see the technology / radars / whatever they use to sense the traffic / lights / surroundings.

Rarely are rape “victims” (whether actual or not) explicitly attacked as liars.

2. Of the two dozen + folks I know who volunteered for Sanders, only two went off the conspiracy deep end.

Clueless as to what truly needs to be done to remedy this situation— the mass deportation of Muslims in every Western nation. It won’t stop terror attacks completely, but it will cut them by at least 75%.

And you know full well for every one shitty comment made by a Democrat (assuming they all identify as such) we can find a few hundred made by a conservative. Try again.

or ... linguistic patterns fall in and out of popularity over the course of history and we’re just seeing a normal resurgence? i’m sure there were curmudgeons of your variety back in the 20s, too. ;)

My mom is an educated nurse

and men surpassed them in both categories. you’re doing exactly what the article discusses - exclusively blaming women for a largely male-created problem. shame on you.

>> 42% of women voted for Trump.
so, not the majority. 54% voted for Clinton.

also, I can use statistics, too:

are you one of those people who believe that all menstruation is just free-for-all-free bleeding? using the majority of sanitary products would bring women’s bloodflow equal to someone not menstruating, with no cuts on themselves. nimrod.