
As someone who doesnt get sexually harassed at work, i can certainly relate to getting nothing. #teamgrant!

I always assumed horror was the domain of white women. Theyre the only ones who survive most of these.

1 millie? God damn. I wish i had that sexual harassment paper.

after reading how they handled mike, anyone who supports this shit can fucked. You already gave his role away, now you gonna make him a junkie.

To each their own

I feel like most things referred to as world records deserve quotes around them. Especially video games.

Oh no, i know exactly what its about. Petty shit. Dont apologize for petty shit.

Yes...yes it is

I dont get why he has to apologize. Who cares if someones fans attack you online, thats what those people do. Their sad lives are propelled by their ability to “defend” people they falsely feel close to.

Lmao that’s fuckin hilarious

Someone should probably execute these teens

No one should ever have to outlive their children.

Kill yourself

Something about being pathetic and lonely

Lol she thinks people are gonna vote for her just because she’s smart.

Why does old miss frizzle look younger? No age, need to retire, come back, we love you!

Overwatch fans are worse than furries

Dude made Blade 2...he could sacrifice children to aztec gods for all i care

Most of my posts shouldnt be taken seriously in the slightest....this being one of em.

The kids a lost cause. Give it to him.