
Lmao that’s fuckin hilarious

Someone should probably execute these teens

No one should ever have to outlive their children.

Something about being pathetic and lonely

Lol she thinks people are gonna vote for her just because she’s smart.

Overwatch fans are worse than furries

Most of my posts shouldnt be taken seriously in the slightest....this being one of em.

The kids a lost cause. Give it to him.

Who cares if the movie is shit

Lol all these gay villains. Thankfully theyll get whats coming to them. As of course they are the 1 percent, able to be fake and get by on execs really do get it

One needs to think and do a certain thing in order to fall into the right category

She must not be that much of a fraud if she didnt let the toxic masculinity take over and beat that person silly for calling her a fraud. Cause thats what a dude would do. Thats a lady with dumb viewpoints yes. But calling her a fraud sounds a bit much.

Height and dick size. Those are the two things you insult men with. Of course that should only be women using these insults, and this guy lookin like a real bitch for doin it.

at least the show has black characters.

Idk, just call em penisa if its a girl and vagino if its a boy

I do like the oddly optimistic perspective that this lady’s boyfriend would get jealous of her dating others. As if hes not just sick of her already and doesnt want to be mean.

Im almost certain that 100% of the time its easier for a lady to get laid. She’d come out on top easy, all day every day if she wanted.

As someone whos anti boy scouts

It may be a bit to early to call this one, but i think theres perhaps a decent chance....he did it.

Im glad its not spawn. Now i dont have to play this game.