Good point. Man, sometimes I miss the days before the Internet and smart phones.
Good point. Man, sometimes I miss the days before the Internet and smart phones.
I went to high school in Indiana, of all places, and we were required to read literature with very adult themes, e.g., Oedipus Rex, The Color Purple, etc. I don’t remember anyone’s parents complaining. Was the 90s just a more chill time?
I was an extra in Rudy. He seemed fine, but man was he short. Like, I-get-why-he-was-a-hobbit short. That seems to be the case with a lot of child actors.
10/10 would star again.
Eh. Mr. NotYourCheese has a very big girth. Probably well over 6.5 inches. It can be nice occasionally but it’s very hard to give a good bj when your mouth only fits around the tip. My middle finger and thumb don’t even touch around it. And anal? Fucking forget about it.
And there you go with your ad hominem attacks that sidestep the actual issues I’ve been putting forth. Or was that too big a word for you? Ack, why am I even bothering with you? Will not feed trolls.
No. The difference between us is that, regardless of whether or not I have kids, I support my tax dollars paying for other people to take this time off. And I guess it is self interest in that I want my society not to collapse because people stop having children because they can’t afford to.
No you’re a troll because you’re an asshole who isn’t even trying to engage in civil discourse. You just spout idiotic, selfish opinions and call everyone who doesn’t give you an “attaboy” for your pigheadedness and self interest an idiot. QED troll.
No, I’m using a thing called a metaphor. It’s a type of abstract thinking that shows how one thing is like the other. Paid leave, whether you believe it our not, is integral to this system we call a civil society. Just like how roads and schools are. They all combine to create a next generation that carries on paying…
Also, I wonder how much you realize that you’ll soon be entirely dependent on the next generation to pay into the social security system, build roads, treat patients and generally do all of the jobs that society needs to keep running?
No, this is you not understanding how a civil society works. We all pay for things like roads and schools, regardless of whether we actually use them ourselves, because it is in society’s interest to do so. Having families be able to eat and keep a roof over their heads during those short post-birth weeks is not only…
Also, you are not the liberal you claim to be with this attitude. “I got mine, fuck you” is not the usual motto.
So, only independently wealthy people should have kids? Great. Got it.
Aww, come on guys. I bet he really just wants to wipe the slate clean.
The shrine’s official website claims that the Virgin has been appearing regularly since 1981, when she appeared to six children to convey a message of peace.
True, true. I found the same thing. You can nurse a glass of wine for a while and savor it. Going slow on a beer ends you up with lukewarm wheat broth.
You know, once you’re well into the second trimester, a beer/glass of wine every now and then will not hurt the baby, according to my doctor. But to each her own. Also, my lactation consultant said nursing your baby is a great time to have a nice, hoppy beer. (aids in production and doesn’t have time to make it to…
WooHOO!! So happy for you and your little bean. I’ve actually been a longtime commenter and fan of yours. I used to be WestVillageGirl, before the Great Kinja purge. Now I just sulk sadly in the grays and think of days of yore, with Crappy Hour and Snap Judgments and Sinister Rouge and SkinnyBoneJones. Sigh. But yay…
Totally get you. I found Ben & Jerry’s a helpful anxiety reliever. Granted, I’m still paying for those pints, but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT.
Don’t let those early numbers scare you. Usually, it’s nothing. If you’re above 35, they consider you at higher than normal risk anyway. You’re gonna be fine. My tests showed the same thing and my son is perfect. Don’t lose hope.